Hello, I'm Kelly and I am the sole in-house Paraplanner working with two advisers. I have worked in the industry nearly 9 years I have been a Paraplanner for over 3 years. I am Diploma qualified and working towards chartered. I have found this forum whilst researching for work - good spot as I think the forum is a fantastic idea!!
I'm not a great fan of chocolate but when tempted it is usually a Kit Kat or Lion Bar.
Hi! Just been recommended to join this group! I've been paraplanning for around 7 years for various IFAs, currently working for a medium sized advisers where I look after around 50 high net worth clients.
Seriously considering taking a jump to becoming self employed but not sure where I'd start. I hear there's a lot of you out there who might be able to give me some hints and tips
I'm on twitter as Mrs_Bop and I'm more of a pizza fan but if I had to choose a chocolate bar it would probably be a flake.
Hi, I’m Mark and I’ve changed career and I’m at the start of my journey to being a paraplanner. I’ve managed to pass both R01 and R05 and am now studying for R03. I’ll have to admit I’m starting to panic that I’ll remember any of itl! As for my favourite chocolate bar it would have to be Picnic or Topic but really anything with chocolate is good ;-)
I have worked as a Paraplanner for nearly 15 years, both in house and out sourced - I recognise some names here so I may have worked with you in the past - don't hold that against me!
I achieved Chartered status some time ago, but the grey matter gets clogged up with new stuff, so it is good to have a forum to be able to ask 'is this right', as well as being to try and contribute to others occasional brain farts/technical queries.
Best chocolate is Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt when I am feeling flush, or Aldi's dark chocolate with nuts when the budget is tight :-)
I'm Megan, I started off as an administrator at Raymond James Investment Services not knowing what career path I wanted to go down, the industry interested me so I decided to have a go at the exams in Sept 2017. Since then have completed R01-05 and waiting on results of R06.
Not sure where I will go with these exams or how far I will go but I am taking it one step at a time!
I have being using thebigtent since I started revising for R06 and have found it extremely useful and a boost of confidence talking to others about exam revision, case studies and knowledge etc.
My fav chocolate has to be chocolate orange followed by Maltesers!
This is a great forum and really helpful community. Since I've been lurking here for a while and asked a couple of questions, I ought to properly introduce myself on here!
So, I'm Pippa, been paraplanning around 9 years now in the Manchester and Leeds areas, now a Chartered Paraplanner at Mazars in their Leeds office, just about to undertake my first foray into managing a team! Yikes!
In terms of chocolate, it's got to be good old dairy milk for me. But not the piddly little bars, a large slab please. Helps get through those complex reports!
Hello my name is Paul and I live in Essex. I'm looking for a new challenge and seeking a career change into paraplanning, having always been interested in all things personal finance. Looking forward to chatting more and making the most of the fantastic resource you have built here! My favourite chocolate - Raspberry Ruffles, always a Xmas treat....
Hi @PaulK Welcome to the Big Tent. Be sure to sign up to the Paraplanners Powwow newsletter to stay up to date with all the events and other resources available. Sign up here (right hand side, scroll down a little). Look forward to seeing you get stuck in. Enjoy those Ruffles.
Hi all, my names Mark & I live in Worcestershire. Have been in the Financial Services industry for over 18 years and paraplanning for the past 10 years or so. Recently decided to take the plunge & setup an outsourced paraplanning business, have found some helpful information regarding this on the forum. Look forward to speaking with you all in due course & possibly meeting some of you at future Powwows.
Favourite chocolate - got to be Chocolate Orange or a Twirl
Hi all, I'm Natalie from Leicestershire. I have over 7 years experience in Financial Services and have just started as a Trainee Paraplanner. Will shortly have a look around the forum and look forward to chatting and meeting some of you soon.
Favourite chocolate... that's a tough one - I like them all, can't beat a bit of Dairy Milk though!
Hello! Rohan Sivajoti here. Founder of Postcard Planning and Co-Founder of NextGen Planners. Richard let me in. Blame him. I hope you're all keeping well in these very strange times
Hi! Vicki Watson here. I'm a paraplanner/ adviser at clarity Ltd. I've been working in financial advice for the last 6 years. In a previous life, I was an investment manager, stock-picking Japanese and Emerging Markets companies. I saw the light after a 5 year career break. Nice to meet everyone!
I'm Dellen and have been working for a small group of Independent Financial Advisers for the last 5 years.
I started as an Administrator but am also now starting to encompass a paraplanning role. I've taken CF1, R01 (i know right - What?!), R02 and R03 and am presently studying J09.
I felt very welcome when I joined my first ever PowWow on Thursday the 21st. Thank you!!
Favourite chocolate (at the moment) is a double raspberry Magnum.
Hello I am John, been a member for a while, but haven’t posted here. I currently work as part of a Technical team for an offshore life company in the Isle of Man.
I’ve complete a few of my exams R01-R06, and J02, J09 and J10. Next it is AF4 and AF1 with AF6 in between.
Hi @riz with you on Marathon.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hello, I'm Kelly and I am the sole in-house Paraplanner working with two advisers. I have worked in the industry nearly 9 years I have been a Paraplanner for over 3 years. I am Diploma qualified and working towards chartered. I have found this forum whilst researching for work - good spot as I think the forum is a fantastic idea!!
I'm not a great fan of chocolate but when tempted it is usually a Kit Kat or Lion Bar.
Welcome @KellyS
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi! Just been recommended to join this group! I've been paraplanning for around 7 years for various IFAs, currently working for a medium sized advisers where I look after around 50 high net worth clients.
Seriously considering taking a jump to becoming self employed but not sure where I'd start. I hear there's a lot of you out there who might be able to give me some hints and tips
I'm on twitter as Mrs_Bop and I'm more of a pizza fan but if I had to choose a chocolate bar it would probably be a flake.
Hi @Mrs_Bop have a look at this
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi, I’m Mark and I’ve changed career and I’m at the start of my journey to being a paraplanner. I’ve managed to pass both R01 and R05 and am now studying for R03. I’ll have to admit I’m starting to panic that I’ll remember any of itl! As for my favourite chocolate bar it would have to be Picnic or Topic but really anything with chocolate is good ;-)
Hi Mark & welcome to the Big Tent.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi all, my name is Sam
I have worked as a Paraplanner for nearly 15 years, both in house and out sourced - I recognise some names here so I may have worked with you in the past - don't hold that against me!
I achieved Chartered status some time ago, but the grey matter gets clogged up with new stuff, so it is good to have a forum to be able to ask 'is this right', as well as being to try and contribute to others occasional brain farts/technical queries.
Best chocolate is Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt when I am feeling flush, or Aldi's dark chocolate with nuts when the budget is tight :-)
Hello and welcome @Sam_T
Hi everyone
I'm Megan, I started off as an administrator at Raymond James Investment Services not knowing what career path I wanted to go down, the industry interested me so I decided to have a go at the exams in Sept 2017. Since then have completed R01-05 and waiting on results of R06.
Not sure where I will go with these exams or how far I will go but I am taking it one step at a time!
I have being using thebigtent since I started revising for R06 and have found it extremely useful and a boost of confidence talking to others about exam revision, case studies and knowledge etc.
My fav chocolate has to be chocolate orange followed by Maltesers!
Hi @MNLS30_
Welcome to the Big Tent - thanks for saying hello
Great chocolate choices - a two course chocolate meal!
Wishing you all the best for your results.
This is a great forum and really helpful community. Since I've been lurking here for a while and asked a couple of questions, I ought to properly introduce myself on here!
So, I'm Pippa, been paraplanning around 9 years now in the Manchester and Leeds areas, now a Chartered Paraplanner at Mazars in their Leeds office, just about to undertake my first foray into managing a team! Yikes!
In terms of chocolate, it's got to be good old dairy milk for me. But not the piddly little bars, a large slab please. Helps get through those complex reports!
Hello @PKO7375
Why have bars when you can have slabs...we like your chocolate style.
Good luck with your new team management responsibilities. Perhaps this will be a useful watch.
Morning - haven't logged in for a long time now and even forgot my password.
After an excellent PowWow last Thursday, I was reminded that this place existed.
Favourite Chocolate is Crunchie, which must be eaten on a Friday.
Hello @M_Paraplanner
Welcome back and good chocolate choice...shame you're limiting yourself to Fridays though.
Have fun
Hello my name is Paul and I live in Essex. I'm looking for a new challenge and seeking a career change into paraplanning, having always been interested in all things personal finance. Looking forward to chatting more and making the most of the fantastic resource you have built here! My favourite chocolate - Raspberry Ruffles, always a Xmas treat....
Hi @PaulK Welcome to the Big Tent. Be sure to sign up to the Paraplanners Powwow newsletter to stay up to date with all the events and other resources available. Sign up here (right hand side, scroll down a little). Look forward to seeing you get stuck in. Enjoy those Ruffles.
Hi all, my names Mark & I live in Worcestershire. Have been in the Financial Services industry for over 18 years and paraplanning for the past 10 years or so. Recently decided to take the plunge & setup an outsourced paraplanning business, have found some helpful information regarding this on the forum. Look forward to speaking with you all in due course & possibly meeting some of you at future Powwows.
Favourite chocolate - got to be Chocolate Orange or a Twirl
Hi @Mark
Welcome to the Big Tent.
Top chocolate choices.
Good luck with your new business.
Look forward to seeing you at a Powwow in the future
Hi all, I'm Natalie from Leicestershire. I have over 7 years experience in Financial Services and have just started as a Trainee Paraplanner. Will shortly have a look around the forum and look forward to chatting and meeting some of you soon.
Favourite chocolate... that's a tough one - I like them all, can't beat a bit of Dairy Milk though!
Hi @Natalie
Thanks for dropping in.
Classic chocolate choice - there's not a lot to top DM.
Good luck with your training :-)
Fancy seeing you here, @Natalie !
Hello! Rohan Sivajoti here. Founder of Postcard Planning and Co-Founder of NextGen Planners. Richard let me in. Blame him. I hope you're all keeping well in these very strange times
Hi @RohanSivajoti and welcome. Good to have you here.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi! Vicki Watson here. I'm a paraplanner/ adviser at clarity Ltd. I've been working in financial advice for the last 6 years. In a previous life, I was an investment manager, stock-picking Japanese and Emerging Markets companies. I saw the light after a 5 year career break. Nice to meet everyone!
Hi @vjwatson and welcome :-)
Hello Everyone
I'm Dellen and have been working for a small group of Independent Financial Advisers for the last 5 years.
I started as an Administrator but am also now starting to encompass a paraplanning role. I've taken CF1, R01 (i know right - What?!), R02 and R03 and am presently studying J09.
I felt very welcome when I joined my first ever PowWow on Thursday the 21st. Thank you!!
Favourite chocolate (at the moment) is a double raspberry Magnum.
Hi @Dellen Good to see you here. Great choice of chocolate.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hello I am John, been a member for a while, but haven’t posted here. I currently work as part of a Technical team for an offshore life company in the Isle of Man.
I’ve complete a few of my exams R01-R06, and J02, J09 and J10. Next it is AF4 and AF1 with AF6 in between.
Hi @john.mackellar and welcome
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.