Hi Everyone, I'm new here!! I've been paraplanning for almost 15 years, eek! Not long returned to work for the same IFA after a 7 year career break. Best boss in the world!
Feeling very behind at the moment and coming back to being hit by MIFID II has made me want to go and hide under a blanket!!!!!!
Hi, I'm a career paraplanner, self-employed work from home type for SJP. Please don't all throw spears at once! I'm working towards the diploma and the goal is chartered. This was a career change for me and once that I am enjoying. Something like this is so important as I don't work in an office like most of you. I enjoy dark chocolate, but love praline. I'm going to go with Lindt (milk and dark). But the list is very long to be honest. Ferrero Rocher is a close second if not joint top.
Hi, I'm a career paraplanner, self-employed work from home type for SJP. Please don't all throw spears at once! I'm working towards the diploma and the goal is chartered. This was a career change for me and once that I am enjoying. Something like this is so important as I don't work in an office like most of you. I enjoy dark chocolate, but love praline. I'm going to go with Lindt (milk and dark). But the list is very long to be honest. Ferrero Rocher is a close second if not joint top.
Welcome :-) No spears thrown here. We've got SJP, IFA, restricted and international people on here, we're all paraplanners together. Nice chocolate choices.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi All I'm Sarah.
I work for SJP too! I have just moved from the main company into a Practice. Looking to venture into Paraplanning. 2 exams done... need a kick up the behind to pick up the next one.
I have a lot to learn and feel like a fish out of water at the moment
My go to chocolate is white mice/Jazzies (when i can find them!)
@SarahMS said:
Hi All I'm Sarah.
I work for SJP too! I have just moved from the main company into a Practice. Looking to venture into Paraplanning. 2 exams done... need a kick up the behind to pick up the next one.
I have a lot to learn and feel like a fish out of water at the moment
My go to chocolate is white mice/Jazzies (when i can find them!)
Hi Sarah and welcome.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi @abbas786 have you seen NextGen planners? They are based in Manchester and have a good community for new and upcoming advisers. They also do events in Manchester. Worth getting in touch with them.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
I'm Stuart from Scotland. I've recently decided to qualify as an IFA, having come from a background in Accountancy. I actually completed CIMA operational level today having been notified I had passed the case study!
I'm still working in accountancy and will probably continue to do so for another year or two. Might go back to CIMA once I gain the Dip PFS.
We are hoping to move to France and this is the main reason I am studying for this qualification - I believe there are more opportunities over there for English-speaking IFAs than there are in accountancy. I don't have practice experience, and I think working for a French Plc is probably going to be out of reach. Working as an FA seems a logical step.
'I start studying for R03 and R04 tomorrow, and will sit both exams on 18/07. Any tips are appreciated!
Just discovered this site and registered. I work in Perth and working towards my exams. Just passed R01 - phew, glad I don't have to go through that one again! and about to start R02. If we're still on the chocolate theme, Starbar, Ripple and Chocolate orange for me. Oh and milky bar. Yum!
@LesleyMac said:
Just discovered this site and registered. I work in Perth and working towards my exams. Just passed R01 - phew, glad I don't have to go through that one again! and about to start R02. If we're still on the chocolate theme, Starbar, Ripple and Chocolate orange for me. Oh and milky bar. Yum!
Top chocolate choices
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
I'm a Paraplanner and work for Sequence Financial Management, doing a bit of everything but more DB transfers than anything at the moment. Short to Medium term goals are to set up my own outsourcing company. I'm diploma qualified and starting the long road to chartered (Narrowly failed AF3 in April so giving AF7 a go next month). You can't a Twix that's been in the fridge for me!
I've been in FS for over, er, 17 years, and paraplanning to one extent or another for around 10 of those. I work for a lovely true financial planning firm in West Oxfordshire, looking out over the fields. Level 4 qualified, via CII.
I'm recently back to work after maternity leave and can feel the old cogs starting to whirr a little more efficiently again...........
Loves - Mountains, woodland and being outside generally, sloe gin, Wispa, 90s dance music, bakewell tarts. Not necessarily in that order.
An Independent Financial Adviser friend of mine has kindly offered to help me with a possible Paraplanner role as she sees me as a good fit. We are London based.
I am coming from a very different career to Paraplanning, without any qualifications yet, though I do help people with basic financial research and supportive resources.
I have taken an active interest in my own investments and I’m motivated to now help others who are coming from debt towards financial independence.
My friend has invited me to her office in a couple of weeks to meet the rest of her team of fellow IFAs.
I am unfamiliar with much of the jargon and the types of analytic software that gets referenced quite a lot.
Would anyone with Paraplanning experience be willing to chat or to share for a while to give me some perspective on what the role means to them and how they have found it?
Any tips or advice would be most welcome too.
Thank you good people!
An Independent Financial Adviser friend of mine has kindly offered to help me with a possible Paraplanner role as she sees me as a good fit. We are London based.
I am coming from a very different career to Paraplanning, without any qualifications yet, though I do help people with basic financial research and supportive resources.
I have taken an active interest in my own investments and I’m motivated to now help others who are coming from debt towards financial independence.
My friend has invited me to her office in a couple of weeks to meet the rest of her team of fellow IFAs.
I am unfamiliar with much of the jargon and the types of analytic software that gets referenced quite a lot.
Would anyone with Paraplanning experience be willing to chat or to share for a while to give me some perspective on what the role means to them and how they have found it?
Any tips or advice would be most welcome too.
Thank you good people!
Yorkie original bar, chunky and honest!
Hi @Andy_Philpott We've been talking about providing support like this so perfect timing. @Caro has helped produce this really good resource for getting into paraplanning. Worth a read. Would you mind posting your request in the New to paraplanning category please? It'll be more visible and we can point people to it easier.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi everybody, I'm Plymouth based, ex IFA. Been a technical paraplanner for 10 years now. Just been bringing my qualifications up to date and have finally sat R06.. just waiting for results now. Have worked for SJP... and currently a Chartered IFA. So pretty experienced across the board. As for Chocolate... is there a wrong chocolate 🤣... but favourite ... Peanut butter chunky Kit Kat
Hi all, I keep returning to this forum for tips, so I thought it's time to introduce myself and give a little back.
My name is Riz and I've been working as a Trainee Paraplanner for Ergowealth Ltd in Marlow since Jan 2018, which is when I left the energy sector and looked to change career. I'm very new to the industry and am super impressed with the level of experience of everyone on this forum.
I passed the DipFA earlier this year and have just finished plowing through the 4 CII exams I needed to sit to gain the DipPFS (I know, I know...I didn't realise some employers preferred the CII route when I was outside the industry). Next steps are ER1 and CF8, and J10, before looking at the AF modules.
I enjoy keeping fit and occassionally hacking around the golf courses. Fav chocolate bar...I'd like to say Lindt dark chocolate and sound sophisticated, but the truth is closer to a Snickers, which to me will always be a 'Marathon' : )
Hi Everyone, I'm new here!! I've been paraplanning for almost 15 years, eek! Not long returned to work for the same IFA after a 7 year career break. Best boss in the world!
Feeling very behind at the moment and coming back to being hit by MIFID II has made me want to go and hide under a blanket!!!!!!
I enjoy dark chocolate, but love praline.
I'm going to go with Lindt (milk and dark). But the list is very long to be honest. Ferrero Rocher is a close second if not joint top.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi all. I’m Annie
I live in Bristol and been Paraplanning for over 10 years. Currently work for Smith & Williamson alongside 3 paraplanners.
Outside of work, always on the look out for the next holiday with the kids.
Always room for a Bounty or Snickers
Hi Annie, welcome :-)
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi All
I'm Sarah.
I work for SJP too! I have just moved from the main company into a Practice. Looking to venture into Paraplanning. 2 exams done... need a kick up the behind to pick up the next one.
I have a lot to learn and feel like a fish out of water at the moment
My go to chocolate is white mice/Jazzies (when i can find them!)
Hi Sarah and welcome.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Started the CII diploma in January got R05 done, studying for RO1 .
Live in Manchester and cannot find a trainee role or admin job, etc.
I graduated last year and worked in accounts for a year, did not like and always wanted to work for a bank as an adviser.
Any help / tips, please dont mention CV been through with recruiters etc.
Been advised I should pass ro1 and ro2 and then look to apply for jobs.
Hi @abbas786 have you seen NextGen planners? They are based in Manchester and have a good community for new and upcoming advisers. They also do events in Manchester. Worth getting in touch with them.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
anybody at the beginning of the road studying ro1 or 2 that live near me? Im in newbury near reading
Hello everyone,
I'm Stuart from Scotland. I've recently decided to qualify as an IFA, having come from a background in Accountancy. I actually completed CIMA operational level today having been notified I had passed the case study!
I'm still working in accountancy and will probably continue to do so for another year or two. Might go back to CIMA once I gain the Dip PFS.
We are hoping to move to France and this is the main reason I am studying for this qualification - I believe there are more opportunities over there for English-speaking IFAs than there are in accountancy. I don't have practice experience, and I think working for a French Plc is probably going to be out of reach. Working as an FA seems a logical step.
'I start studying for R03 and R04 tomorrow, and will sit both exams on 18/07. Any tips are appreciated!
Former Adviser here from Edinburgh. I was made redundant from L&G last year and moved in to Business Development.
I sat R06 today so want to gage other candidates thoughts, experience and answers to the questions.
The 6 week wait is likely to drive me insane so wanted to see what other people thought.
Welcome Andrew.
There are several posts about exams in here or feel free to start your own.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Just discovered this site and registered. I work in Perth and working towards my exams. Just passed R01 - phew, glad I don't have to go through that one again! and about to start R02. If we're still on the chocolate theme, Starbar, Ripple and Chocolate orange for me. Oh and milky bar. Yum!
Top chocolate choices
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi All, I'm Gareth
I'm a Paraplanner and work for Sequence Financial Management, doing a bit of everything but more DB transfers than anything at the moment. Short to Medium term goals are to set up my own outsourcing company. I'm diploma qualified and starting the long road to chartered (Narrowly failed AF3 in April so giving AF7 a go next month). You can't a Twix that's been in the fridge for me!
Hey all, a bit late saying Hi - sorry!
I've been in FS for over, er, 17 years, and paraplanning to one extent or another for around 10 of those. I work for a lovely true financial planning firm in West Oxfordshire, looking out over the fields. Level 4 qualified, via CII.
I'm recently back to work after maternity leave and can feel the old cogs starting to whirr a little more efficiently again...........
Loves - Mountains, woodland and being outside generally, sloe gin, Wispa, 90s dance music, bakewell tarts. Not necessarily in that order.
Ruth Baker
"Wispa, 90s dance music, bakewell tarts."
Great combo.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi all, I am Sarah and am new to the big tent, however, have been to a couple of the PowWows including this years fantastic one last week.
I work in Bournemouth for Tilney and have been paraplanning for over 6 years.
On the chocolate theme you can not beat a galaxy bar and a chocolate bourbon biscuit.
Hi everyone, I am Jackie and I am new to the big tent.
It was actually recommended that I join by my colleague Sarah (post above me) following her recent visit to the Pow Wow.
I have been paraplanning for around 7/8 years and I also work for Tilney in Bournemouth.
Favorite chocolate (if still on this theme) has to be Terry's chocolate orange or a nice simple dairy milk bar
Hi All,
My name is Matt, long time viewer - first time poster/signing up!
Picked up some very useful advice/tips from the posts on here so thought it about time I spoke.
Worked in the industry for many years, from tea boy to trainee IFA/Paraplanner as I am now.
Classic chocolate choices.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi all,
An Independent Financial Adviser friend of mine has kindly offered to help me with a possible Paraplanner role as she sees me as a good fit. We are London based.
I am coming from a very different career to Paraplanning, without any qualifications yet, though I do help people with basic financial research and supportive resources.
I have taken an active interest in my own investments and I’m motivated to now help others who are coming from debt towards financial independence.
My friend has invited me to her office in a couple of weeks to meet the rest of her team of fellow IFAs.
I am unfamiliar with much of the jargon and the types of analytic software that gets referenced quite a lot.
Would anyone with Paraplanning experience be willing to chat or to share for a while to give me some perspective on what the role means to them and how they have found it?
Any tips or advice would be most welcome too.
Thank you good people!
Yorkie original bar, chunky and honest!
Hi @Andy_Philpott We've been talking about providing support like this so perfect timing. @Caro has helped produce this really good resource for getting into paraplanning. Worth a read. Would you mind posting your request in the New to paraplanning category please? It'll be more visible and we can point people to it easier.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi @KimH & welcome.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
I’ve done a lot of exams and planning to do the CFP case study next before maybe doing AF2.
I currently work for a firm in the countryside near Milton Keynes.
I don’t eat actual chocolate but am partial to a rich chocolate brownie.
Hi @LouiseS chocolate brownies always a winner
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi all, I keep returning to this forum for tips, so I thought it's time to introduce myself and give a little back.
My name is Riz and I've been working as a Trainee Paraplanner for Ergowealth Ltd in Marlow since Jan 2018, which is when I left the energy sector and looked to change career. I'm very new to the industry and am super impressed with the level of experience of everyone on this forum.
I passed the DipFA earlier this year and have just finished plowing through the 4 CII exams I needed to sit to gain the DipPFS (I know, I know...I didn't realise some employers preferred the CII route when I was outside the industry). Next steps are ER1 and CF8, and J10, before looking at the AF modules.
I enjoy keeping fit and occassionally hacking around the golf courses. Fav chocolate bar...I'd like to say Lindt dark chocolate and sound sophisticated, but the truth is closer to a Snickers, which to me will always be a 'Marathon' : )