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AJ Bell
I spent around 3 months last year waiting for consistent answers in relation to 2 pensions our client holds with them (just basic information that any IFA would need to reivew a pension plan). Frustrating but I just had to keep on at them to provide…
Have you tried Unum? we have a client with exec income protection with them - I can't say what their stance is on diabetes though
@Gustavo_Fring said: Can I ask how you get the information on the factfind into your CRM? Is it integrated or do you have to do it manually? On that note, does anyone have any experience of using the XPLAN factfind? We are looking at it be…
We have a process very similar to what richard suggested. Factfind - we set clients up on CashCalc so they go in and fill out all their hard data/pol numbers/income/exp. etc and there are also free text boxes to note their objectives. We find some …
I'd definitely also go for CII past papers/mock exams. However, (it's been 4 ish years since I did the R0s so things may have changed since) I found that sometimes the CII question packs were significantly harder/more convoluted than the actual exam…
Our director uses a little tablet thing called reMarkable and it's significantly reduced our paper output. It has an app that you install on your laptop/desktop and it's all cloud based so as long as there's an internet connection, you can see notes…
I've never known paraplanners to do paperwork, like you said it's far too time consuming. I've always known admin teams to do all paperwork and completing of new business. Paraplanners may chip in if it's paperwork for something a bit more complex t…
We have a client with AJ Bell (RIA not the SIPP) and she makes approx £58pm gross contributions & has done for about 2-3 years now
It was insane and a main factor in me leaving that company. I currently have a fair bit of client contact but I do things other than paraplanning so I could do with less client contact to focus on other business areas. Conversely, at my previous fir…
I currently share paraplanning with 1 other paraplanner and we probably have around 150 clients between us. At a previous firm, I was assigned to two advisers (and sometimes a third, but only for one off cases) and I estimate their combined client…
What about the bond investment potentially being seen as a deliberate deprivation of assets? I don't know exactly how it all works but if the client is already in care, would this still apply? I guess it would depend where her other assets/sources …
Thanks very much for this - what an eye opener. I knew my paraplanning salary was low at my previous firm but I didn't realise just HOW low..
I'm sure Octopus used to have a template - I can't find it in my files but I distinctly remember having a template from them (it was obviously based around their products but the context would still be useful for you). Maybe get in touch with their …
My initial thought it why aren't the technical team 'report writers' considered to be paraplanners at the firm you work for? Paraplanning covers a range of areas and a paraplanners role in one firm could be very different to a paraplanner in another…
Congrats @DaleLucas !
@MLokhandwala said: Pleased to say ive now finally passed AF8. Congratulations!! I've just passed my first assignment and clearly should get cracking with the other two if @Yonkers420 managed all three in a month (amazing!)
@seanhurst it was from Dynamic Planner to FE Analytics
I agree with @richallum as we had to do a similar exercise at a firm I previously worked for. We were carrying out/updating risk assessments for clients every 2/3 years anyway so once we had changed the risk profile system we were using, we'd issue …
They also sometimes have them in revision mate - if you go to the 'Prepare for your exam' section, they've started putting a lot of the past papers there. I can't say for definite if they do it for all exams but I took J05 in October and they have t…
I've had a similar scenario before for a ROI client and we were looking to take out relevant life cover and it was no across the board for the same reason you stated. Hoping someone else may know a specialist provider, fingers crossed!
are the annual bonuses guaranteed?
Hi Angela, It sounds like it'll still be at your chosen venue but onscreen instead. I'm due to sit J05 on the 13th and haven't heard of any venue changes or been told that I can take it from home. I guess we'l…
Congratulations on the pass, Jonathan! Much like Joe, my scores generally took a week to update online too. The fastest I maybe had a score result was in around 3-4 working days?
Hi Claire, I was working from home once a week prior to lockdown and enjoyed the break from my commute (4 trains a day). Working from home full time took a while to get used to but I have significantly more 'me' time (not time spent waiting for 2…
I was surprised at how poor the 360 templates are and didn't find them useful at all really. I used them as a rough guide for the flow of a report but essentially built our templates from scratch. 360 also have checklists which can help from a compl…
Much like @ChrisHindle1 we use Adobe e-sign as we also benefit from the additional tools and functionality. Haven't used DocuSign myself but Adobe works perfectly fine
Hi Aron, I don't know the exact ins and outs, but I know AJ Bell have an execution only service which can be added to their funds & shares service where the client can do their own trading (funds & shares service XO it's called). I would …