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  • @les_cameron said: Have running the numbers on the to do list as doing a webinar third Thursday in January on all this malarkey. Gifting will work too for some lump sum and NEOOI. I had a read of the back to back stuff the other day - unle…
  • To resurrect this thread, does anyone have any recommendations for a third party to come and redo our CIP and associated Due Diligence, please?
  • I used a combination of past papers and the Knowledge Checker on Revisionmate when I needed to pass it in a hurry earlier this year.
    in RO2 Exam Comment by amarshall April 2024
  • I can't wait to be able to include the glorious British ISA in my ISA Appendix.... Sorry, being serious, this is a great idea, thanks @Gustavo_Fring . I will try hard to come up with something more constructive
  • @les_cameron said: Am assuming the benefits are being settled with 2 years. Only lump sums get tested in the new world - that is a basic tenet of the whole change. Death benefits in the form of drawdown are LTA tested now pre April …
  • @Wildparaplanner said: so on the assumption the scheme can pay death benefits using beneficiary drawdown, if benefits are over £1,073,100, why would anyone ever proceed with a lump sum when you can just bypass any tax via FAD? This was wh…
  • @benjaminfabi said: Hi Andy. Transfer to SSAS is auto amber flag in the (not so new anymore) regs. No ability to shortcut requirement to proceed to Moneyhelper call, which itself is then a box tick for the ceding scheme. Just give them the…
  • @TomLloyd_Read said: Yes, ReAssure issued broadly the same letter when we were trying to to transfer a PP into an existing SSAS. There wasn't even an intention to invest in property but we disclosed the SSAS held property. Weirdly SJP did not ask…
  • Hi PippaO We have a similar situation with two offshore bonds with £3m+ of gain built up but each only has 1 segment (don't get me started on that!). The choice we gave the client was that they could take taxable withdrawals now (i.e. excess over …
  • @TimMatthias said: Hi Pippa, Hope this will help. Very useful for one of my clients. Thanks!
  • @richallum said: @amarshall Hi Andy. have a look at Barnett Waddingham (supporter of Paraplanners Assembly). This is their bag and I can put you in touch with the right people if you'd like to discuss it with them. Thanks Richard. Will do
    in New SSAS Comment by amarshall June 2023
  • Update: On checking the clients valuations this morning, they have miraculously corrected themselves and now look like they should do. Portfolio switch incoming!
  • Thanks again @richardgough for the comprehensive answer. And thanks to @richallum for asking Les. I as I suspected, the advisers enthusiasm was somewhat misplaced!
  • @richallum said: Isn't it an assignment for money or monies worth and so a chargeable event on transfer? It certainly looks like it could be. The assignment is for money's worth (ownership of the Ltd Co). Does that then challenge the C…
  • @richardgough said: Transfer of money to Ltd Co is a CLT for IHT, unless someone tells me otherwise. Thanks Richard, that's precisely the sort of reply I was looking for!…
  • @Nath said: I honestly don't know the answer to this (I have been trying to find anything about assigning to a company, but can only find assignment to individual's), however, following this for my own learning. If it works that's a great way of…
  • Thanks for sharing @Chris_Hindle1 We're in the process of updating our drawdown review process and I was wondering if anyone had one they might like to share. Thanks in advance!
  • @arongunningham said: Why do they need to move things into her name? Why can't they spend the capital when it's in his name? Because you can't spend capital and then gift your income and it not count as a gift for iht purposes. https:/…
  • School holiday job on a chicken farm, then worked in Retail for Bristol & West followed by a move to the T&C department at head office. Became a tied adviser flogging Eagle Star ISAs & bonds before going independent just after the turn o…
  • We've got a heat binder and its terrible. The pages don't settle into the glue evenly and often fall out when (if?) the clients try to read the report! I'm all for only producing paper reports on request and all the rest to go via our portal but …
  • @Jamie_Barnes said: Alternative options might be to upload everything to a portal, or attach some files to emails (both of which provide better evidence of the regulatory information being provided). Exactly what we do.
  • I love the way this forum kicks up topics that are unexpectedly relevant. We've got a client who has just spent a weekend in her parents holiday home. My understanding is that the parents intend to gift the holiday home to our client and her sibl…
  • @Nath said: We moved from Truth to Voyant. Would never look back and find it a lot more user friendly and visually much better for clients than Truth. Both very comprehensive bits of kit but Truth just feels like a 1980s banking type system and…
  • @Gustavo_Fring Exactly. The threads linking lots of tasks together were great.
  • @Gustavo_Fring At my previous firm we used XPlan and it was fantastic for controlling and monitoring workflows and processes. It took a lot of setting up but the net result was the best I have seen and well worth the effort (of one of my colleagu…
  • It will obviously depend on which of the many variables (chartered, diploma, client facing, CF30, cashflow, experience etc etc) apply to an applicant or position. I don't think @arongunningham is wildly inaccurate in his guessing.
  • @Nathan said: My opinion is that Paraplanners do an awful lot more than what is listed here and this almost belittles what we do. +1
  • @Clare_Weight said: I love this thread too. I'll always remember Joe at the How Wow 'if you do one thing... apart from that other one thing'. I have done loads of work on rewriting our content into short sentences etc. Sent adviser a beau…
  • I can't offer you any help with this as I am in-house and pretty clueless about this sort of thing but I do wish you all the best! Andy