Group Protection For Self Employed Barristers

Good morning,
I help with the running of a group protection scheme for a large chamber of barristers, and have come across a potential new scheme via referral, but it appears now that no insurance providers want to offer terms! Has anyone written group protection recently for a barrister scheme or similar, where the members are self employed?
Really struggling!
I help with the running of a group protection scheme for a large chamber of barristers, and have come across a potential new scheme via referral, but it appears now that no insurance providers want to offer terms! Has anyone written group protection recently for a barrister scheme or similar, where the members are self employed?
Really struggling!
I believe individual relevant life plans for barristers are completely unworkable for a wide variety of reasons (the intricacies of a barrister/chambers relationship and how premiums are paid being the main issue).
Unum is the provider we use for the big scheme that is already running, but they won't touch new ones with a barge pole as it is now believed to be a bigger risk to them. They've offered group income protection, which works to a degree, but the client is looking for all three types of cover.