Innovative (or not) product ideas that don't exist
in General
I wondered if people wanted to get their creative hats on and had any thoughts about products that they would like to see exist which haven't and don't.
Ill give a boring start to the idea train:
- ISA annuity (tax free guaranteed income). Given the relative size of the ISA allowance of the last decade or two, I feel some people could be able to secure a reasonable income from such a product.
Ill give a boring start to the idea train:
- ISA annuity (tax free guaranteed income). Given the relative size of the ISA allowance of the last decade or two, I feel some people could be able to secure a reasonable income from such a product.
Regular premium long term care insurance as a deduction from a pension fund.
People pay a monthly premium via their pension fund that guarantees to cover the cost of long term care.
Also, (more of a tax change rather than a product), any withdrawal from a pension to pay for long term care should be made tax free.
- First time buyers can access it (perhaps with maximum limits) to put towards first home with withdrawals tax free (similar implementation to how a LISA works)
- Can be accessed to pay for childcare instead of the tax free childcare account
- as with the idea above, can be used to access long term care fees tax free.
- could be used to pay for PMI and family based protection premiums.
- accessed at NMPA for anything else/retirement
How such a thing would then work with things such as means testing I don't know, but it would at least provide a much wider purpose through life instead of this highly inaccessible fund which you can't touch until retirement.