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  • Thank you all for your feedback, seems to reflect what I'm hearing elsewhere too. I've had a walkthrough of IO and it does seem fairly intuitive. I had a look at Xplan too, but didn't quite gel with it. Now to convince the director...
  • When looking at a transfer I can't see how we could leave the section out? For example, where we compare their current pension (either uncrystallised or drawdown) to a policy with a new provider - we look at projections to NRD (or illustrative annu…
  • Urgh, my adviser is terrible at fact finds. But I'm a paraplanner, rather than an adviser, because I don't want to meet clients, so the thought of me having to do the fact find myself fills me with dread. Could you simplify the fact find so that …
  • I'm not doing them in order. I sat all the CF exams (not in order!), then R05 to complete my Certificate. Then I took R01, R06 and just done R04. I thought R01 would be good to get out of the way. I used Wizard Training for R06 and passed comfortab…
  • I sat the exam yesterday and had to check I was sitting the right exam! Some of the questions I swear I had never seen before. I didn't have it for this one, but previously I've bought the CII question packs which I have found helpful.