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  • I used solely CII for R01 to R05 but then used Brand FT to help with the written R06. I did it all just over a year including 1 re-take for R05.
  • Also, I have just read something that says that a child's interest can be made contingent on attaining X years old or surviving the policyholder.
  • It is my understanding that if a beneficiary dies their share falls back into the estate and then is distributed between the surviving beneficiaries unless otherwise specified in the trust deed. I think in the case of an MWPA, if the beneficiarie…
  • I went straight from a retail banking environment as a Personal Banker (non-advised) into paraplanning; I then did my exams whilst in the paraplanning role. I think that if you are within a supportive firm you will flourish.
  • Hi, I found a good tactic for some of the chapters of R02 was to find Youtube videos that explain them. Often the diagrams and methods of explanation can help you to visualise it more than just reading. I just searched things such as 'alpha beta …
    in R02 Comment by rwooffatst November 2020
  • Personally I would use an illustrative like-for-like comparison (i.e. both at £30k) to illustrate that the figure is 4% lower per annum. Then, I would explain that due to the £10k being lost to fees only £20k is to be invested - then I would base th…
  • We currently use Volume which I find to be quite useful and it is very easy to navigate documents on it.
  • @benjaminfabi said: Hi Yes, this fine. The surviving spouse can claim the aps with no requirement to inherit the assets. I thought so but had a little niggling doubt in the back of my head! Thanks Benjamin!
  • Congratulations!
  • @jadud92 said: That makes sense! @richardgough, if I may trouble you once more for another question. Exam in a couple of days and I thought I had these all under control - starting to panic now! Jessica, a higher-rate taxpayer, boug…
  • Hi Jack, I would say start communicating with firms no. You may find that they will pay for your exams (or refund money on successful completion). I started as a paraplanner straight out of banking with no exams under my belt and now I have my…
  • Hi, Yes, as @Jona has said, they segment the plan. However they will not facilitate this if the client has Fixed or Enhanced Protection because of the danger of losing it.
  • Scrap that - I have found the answer I need. Not sure how to delete it sorry!
  • @jamesw1985 said: Hi rwooffatst thanks so much for getting in touch 😊 I’ve double checked and it definitely refers to PCLS. DB pension would be calculates as years in service/commutation rate x final salary... so in my example it would b…
    in R04 Comment by rwooffatst March 2020
  • Using CashCalc at my previous place of employment we had a standard set of rules for inflation and growth. Inflation was 2% and the growth rates applied depended on the equity content/risk profile of the particular product being forecast. We wou…
  • @PPWow said: Hi everyone, Does anyone know where I could find out the following: * Most popular pension providers (in terms of no. of accounts), * Most popular specific pension products (in terms of no. of accounts) - Eg. 'Av…
  • @jamesw1985 said: Hi I am a little confused if somebody can help Looking over DB scheme section - the CII textbook talks about calculating PCLS for defined benefit schemes. First it talks about calculating it as; Years of servi…
    in R04 Comment by rwooffatst March 2020
  • This document is handy to give you an understanding of what is expected - particularly page 25 might help. I don't think it is a spoken rule (although could be wrong) however…
  • Hi Little_Green, Yes, the R06 exam is an exam that pulls all of the other R0 exams together so relies on knowledge from all other aspects of the R0 exams. If you do not have experience in this field then you might find it tricky. Other than le…
  • I spent a bit of time watching videos on Youtube to shake up my revision routine. There are lots of videos on things like alpha/beta/volatility and the change from reading sometimes helps to embed things a bit better.
  • In both of the companies that I have worked for there has been a simple crib sheet that has a table asking for the following info from the adviser: * Client details (i.e. name/DOB) * Client Objectives (must be SMART objectives) * Adviser's pr…
  • My degree is in French studies so naturally I ended up in banking and then onto paraplanning....