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- Nathan
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@les_cameron Thank you
@les_cameron Aegon are saying that because the whole fund was crystallised to pay the £268,275, rather than just £1,073,100, they cant do anything. Is that correct?
@les_cameron I owe you many beers, thank you
Thank you @les_cameron and @Nath
My findings have been fairly negative to be honest and its through no fault of the tools, its the fault of providers not giving all of the information required and advising not documenting everything they should. Its the age old, rubbish in, rubbish…
You can get a 30 day free trial on Genovo as well.
Hi Bambi, I think the simpliest way is to have a list of what information is required about each type of plan, the administrators send off for this information and have a checklist of what has been provided and what hasnt. The tricky bit is whethe…
Thank you Ben, that is awesome.
Hi @les_cameron, just to check then, if the ReAssure pension was for example able to pay out the whole scheme as tax-free cash, she could take £268,274 from the larger pension and then all of the tax-free cash from the ReAssure pension?
Thank you Les
Owing to some further information, we came to the conclusion that it does fall under POAT. "Given the order of the ‘gifts’ and the mother not living in the house straight away It would fall under POAT – how she would adjust the tax returns and…
@laurie_star said: Hi Nathan, I would be really interested in your fee structure as a direct comparison - I charge £50 per hour (no VAT) and it's a real rollercoaster sometimes, especially when quoting fixed fees for new business. …
Richard, thank you so much for taking the time to reply, our thoughts were similar, so it goods to have some degree of consensus. But as you say we will seek further assistance to get a concrete answer. Thanks again.
Hi Andy We review ours every couple of years but on the advice of our NED we moved to much simplified charging structure to save any complication. Like Michelle we know roughly what it costs us to write a report and add a margin on top of that…
Thanks all
@arongunningham that is great, thank you
Not the answer you are looking for, but it might help. If you get the client to take a small withdrawal in month one and then take a larger withdrawal in month three. The provider has a chance to get the right tax code and doesn’t have to wait …
@Jumanji ”Reports in word format are bland, boring and you can achieve the suitability requirements in so many creative ways” I disagree with this, you can do an awful lot in word, take a look at some of the examples on here https://templa…
Reduction in yield? Not sure if this is required?
Christine, what we have to remember is that it is the clients money and they can of course do with it what they want. BUT, as the adviser or advising company you are on the hook to ensure that what is being done is in the clients best interests, so…
Have a look at you could model what your client will have and see if it impacts the benefits.
Genovo offer a free sample here
NextWealth did something on this, just on platforms Alternatively the LangCat Analyser has this information as well. As for Utmost and others I don't think…
See what you think of this
Count me in Richard. Thank you.
You can get the last 10 year RPI and CPI figures off of FE. I have averaged the output from both of these data sets and arrived at the figure that we use for our clients assumed inflation rate. For the growth rates, I understand that the FCA have …
Not sure if this helps?
I use a system called to send documents to advisers. All the servers are UK based. You can encrypt word documents very easily, I use this if I need to communicate client sensitive data to a provider. Having tested Gareth’s FileH…