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  • We have to disclose full charges, including transactional charges, at the firm I'm with. Some providers don't give them, but most do and if available they need to be disclosed. This is specific to pensions but might help and I would think a lot o…
    in Fund Charges Comment by elspel June 2024
  • UPDATE: For anyone reading this at a later date, I've had the below from the CII today: Thank you for your query. We appreciate that candidates start work on their assignments at different points during the tax year. It is perfectly acceptable …
  • @Wildparaplanner said: With mine - i laid out some assumptions in the appendix, including tax year assumptions as well as legislation assumptions. I passed so i never got any direct feedback on whether this was appropriate or not. For exam…
  • UPDATE - I've spoken to a colleague today who has previously done AF8 and she is of the impression that as the FF I have is dated 2023/24, I should be fine to base my assignment and calculations on 2023/24 allowances, but did caveat and say that I s…
  • Fellow person giving it a shot on the 25th! Good luck to everyone! It's the first exam I've done in this format, so just trying to go through past case studies and get a feel for the questions/answers being looked for....and patiently awaiting Br…