Want to car share to report writing Howwow bonanza?
We like doing our bit to save the planet every now and then. We also really appreciate that for some of you, the journey to the report writing Howwow bonanza is a bit of a trek and may cost a few bob.
So, we thought let's start a car share chat. If you are travelling a distance and the train fares have you in a state of shock, pop a message in here and see if anyone local is up for car sharing to the outskirts of London to Tube in, or even to a cheaper train line.
We want to help out in any way we can. Hence this post.
So, we thought let's start a car share chat. If you are travelling a distance and the train fares have you in a state of shock, pop a message in here and see if anyone local is up for car sharing to the outskirts of London to Tube in, or even to a cheaper train line.
We want to help out in any way we can. Hence this post.
Anyone travelling down from up t'North? I'm in Cheshire close to junction 18 & 19 of M6 so willing to consider possible car shares if it works out.