R06 January

in CPD & Exams
Hi Everyone,
I'm taking my R06 exam in January and thought it would be good to get a group going for anyone also taking the exam then.
Who else is taking R06 at the start of next year?
I will be sitting it too. I'm keen to book on to a 1 or 2 day course where they go through the likely questions and how to answer the questions and I'd be interested to hear from people who have done one of these courses and which ones are useful?
Hi, I'm looking to sit in January too and would like to join any study groups? Also keen for feedback on which analysis people prefer... Also does anyone feel it's useful to use the RO6 CII textbook at all?
Thanks, Lucy
I wouldn't waste your time with reading the book and I would definitely go with Brand over Redmill.
Also, before you get the case analysis just go through all the past papers and just try and memorise the answers, there isn't much else you can do until the analysis is released.
Brilliant, I thought that was the most logical route to go. Currently going through past papers and making notes and take it from there.
How did everyone do?
So I made this discussion in November but turned out I couldn't make the January date so I am now doing this is April!
I will be making a new discussion for anyone in the same boat working towards that date.
QUICK QUESTION: Is there any work that I should be doing before then or can you not do anything until the case studies are sent out 2 weeks before? I've done R01-R05 so I have all the books which I assume R06 will be testing on or am I wrong?
I have seen on the CII website there is a study text for this exam itself but is that just an overview of everything i've already learnt and therefore a waste of money?!
@Knottygr ?
Is anyone taking R06 in February this year?
Hi everyone
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Paraplanners are a caring, sharing bunch and that's a good thing. Occasionally we see discussions about sharing paid for exam preparation materials in this forum. If you’ve paid for support material, it’s very likely you’ve agreed to terms and conditions that prohibit sharing.
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We want to support the businesses that help paraplanners, especially in this important field, which is why we will immediately delete any post that talks about sharing materials. We'd encourage you to check the terms you've agreed to before making any offers.