in CPD & Exams
Looking for tboughts on AF8, how long did it take you to do the coursework? How easy/hard did you find it? Any hints or tips for doing it. I'm currently on mat leave so looking to start it before I go back to work early next year and hoping to complete it within 6-8 months or is that unrealistic? TIA
I would say make sure you have access to a cashflow modelling tool and asset allocation tool before enrolling.
I'm planning on doing this but not sure when. A number of factors are influencing my decision:
I'm a bit of masochist though, so probably 2020 if AF7 and PTPA results go to plan!!
I submitted and passed the 3 assignments within 5 months and I have two children and work almost full time so definitely achievable I think. Hopefully your baby will be a good sleeper!
Can’t say I found it that enjoyable or learnt a lot and there was a distinct lack of feedback from the CII with a basic grade given for each criteria. Having just sat two AFs last week however I am romanticising how much I preferred AF8 just now 😆.
Hi, did you use cash flow software in your 3 assignments. I didn’t use any in J09, but not sure if it’s needed in this or not. Thanks John
Hi John, yes I used Prestwood Truth and the Timeline App for the third assignment, and some of assignment one from memory. I think it is recommended so you could even get a free trial to Cashcalc if you don’t use any just now.
If you are an in-house paraplanner with an adviser that uses Cashcalc you can get a free paraplanner licence
I am hoping to start AF8 in the new year, has any one used the likes of expert pensions or any study guides.
Expert pension is expensive, but if its worth it then I don't mind paying! Did anyone need additional support for AF8
Expert Pensions does have a higher cost than other training providers, but when you look at what is included you will see that they are actually very good value for money. I signed up for their AF7 and that gives you access to a condensed study text, loads of videos and live workshops, plus access to chat forums so you can discuss things with other students and also the guys at EP
I passed AF8 a couple of months ago. Found it much harder than anticipated because of the lack of guidance. Ended up scraping through with marks of 50-50-50 for the assignments.
I paid for the expert pensions course after the first assignment came back. It's expensive but with the costs or remarking and possibility of failing altogether I thought it was worth it.
Everyone seems to be saying the same for AF8! I suppose when you look at it like that it makes sense. Kinda undecided about it now.... maybe stick with the exam ones to get the points in!
Much the same as me. The highest I got was 53 I think, and had to resubmit a couple of assignments. I scraped through with a 50 on my 3rd assignment after the deadline.
Found it very difficult to understand what was really wanted, and had identical feedback for both a failed assignment and a passed assignment. That left me pretty exasperated.
I regret missing exam sittings by focusing on this. Naturally a high share of the responsibility falls to me for how it went but given how expensive it is, the cost of retakes and the lack of guidance, and the seeming need for external support, I'd caution anyone to really think it over before going for this. Or instead do the CFP, which I understand to be valuable from a learning perspective, and which I'll do when I get my advanced diploma.
I'm just starting AF8 now - feeling a bit lost to be honest - not much guidance as to what makes a successful/unsuccessful submission. Any tips offered would be much appreciated!
Hi all, I didn't end up starting AF8 yet due to personal circumstances. How are you getting on, would you recommend it as a good one to start with for the diploma? Thanks
Hi all, i'm sadly also enrolled onto AF8. I have just passed assignment one however question 2 is so vague its pretty much impossible to know what there looking for to gain a pass. Has anyone any any feedback or experiences on this.
Hi Guys,
Struggling with AF8, failed assignment 1 and the resub. Any advice...
Hi all, I am now enrolled and having a go at Assignment 1 whilst in lockdown!
Does anyone know, are we allowed to reference the study text? Or is it only HMRC/official resources we can reference?
Hope everyone is keeping safe!
Hi all, I have another query if anyone else is doing AF8 at the moment? Do we have to include our calculations within the assignment?
In other words, am I okay just typing what the IHT liability is and annual allowances for Pensions, or do I need to show how i got to that figure?
you can reference anything.
You should always include workings out no matter what, you'll get a mark or 2 then even if you've made an error (assuming calc/formula was correct )
For J09, I am putting every thing in, even if it seems pointless and obvious.
Thanks for that! I will include it. Although, I seem to be significantly higher on my wordcount at the moment so I was hoping to save a few words by leaving it out! Will have to go through and delete and waffle!
I put my calcs in table format, as they say words in tables do not count. However, I am yet to have any back, so take that with a pinch of salt.
I'm struggling big time with AF8 - passed assignment 1 by 4 marks, and have now failed the 2nd assignment by 9 marks, and feedback codes on both exam results are identical. I'm struggling to figure out whether I have completely missed the point of the question, or if not where I am going wrong! Has anyone found any useful resources online?
Hello preparation for exams takes off, we thought we'd remind you of this post on sharing paid for materials.
I'm kind of in the same boat, passed assignment 1 and then I'm just finishing off assignment 2, but I'm sure i mentioned a lot of assignment 2 in assignment 1 already - so slightly confused as to how i should answer the 2nd assignment without a lot of duplication? Or if i can refer back to assignment 1 without typing it all up again? Do we get a free re-submission for the first failed assignment? I'm sure i read that somewhere but cant seem to find where i read it!
Hi all!
Just scraped a pass for my second assignment... just with 53%! I got 60% on my first one and I am hoping I can pull something half decent together for the last one!
Not looking for answers of course, but has anyone got any advice on how to approach this?! I think as the other assignments didn't ask for a recommendation I found it easier to structure, but with this one being a recommendation would I need to essentially do the assignment as if it was a recommendation report? ANy tips would be appreciated!
Hi Sarah
How did you get along with your 3rd Assignment?
Can anyone provide any guidance on assignment 2? I'm slightly worried I am starting to repeat most of the content of assignment 1!!
Thanks in advance.