Truth versus Voyant

Does anyone out there have experience of using Voyant and Truth?
There are lots of opinions of each one individually, but it would be useful to hear from people who have used both as to what they think are the main differences, positives, negatives and which one they would prefer.
Thanks :-)
We started donig cashflow using Truth but changed to Voyant 9 months ago (or thereabouts).
The primary reason for this was the length of time it took to input data into Truth and to extricate reports at the other end.
We have found Voyant to be a much slicker system both in terms of the ease of input, the overall interface (for our use and with clients) and the simplicity/variety of reports available.
I don't know the precise figures but my colleagues would definitely say that moving from Truth to Voyant has reduced the time it takes us to do any cashflow exercise with clients.
I hope this helps!
Thanks Andy, that seems quite the compliment for Voyant. I imagine it was a big decision to move from one provider to the other.
I have some experience with Voyant and it seems intuitive - but there are some die-hard fans of Truth out there and I thought I ought to check if I was missing a trick before we move to use Voyant with more of our clients (instead of our in-house Excel tool).
Thanks for your thoughts!
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Not used Truth now for about 2 years so cannot comment on any more recent revisions / upgrades.
Both can require masses of detailed input or you can significantly reduce the amount of input - depends on how much detail you want to carry through from other sources (and also understand that Truth can be part of a more integrated system with Prestwood which does hold much more data)
So you can make life easy or complicated.
Both have pros and cons and you get used to 'work arounds' which are needed via both from time to time.
Generally I do prefer the visual outputs from Voyant; Truth allowed me to out put actual tax calcs very easily.
Currently using Voyant and have no issues with the way it works and outputs for clients.
I've never been an advocate of using Truth / Voyant in front of a client; personally I think its a really bad idea.
Either way they are much better (in my view) than a spreadsheet (which is what I used before taking on Truth) and well worth the cost.
As others have said, like most things, it really comes down to personal preference.
Thanks all. Very helpful. We're going to move forward with Voyant past the 'trial' stages. I'll miss my faithful spreadsheet though :-(