R04 in 5 Weeks

in CPD & Exams
Hey Everyone!
I have passed my R01, R02 and R05 with 6-7 weeks of revising. I am thinking of taking the R04 in under 5 weeks so I can get it out of the way for Xmas and do R03 in end of Jan/Feb with hopefully R06 in April!
I have some knowledge in Pensions as I used to deals with processing crystallisation events and delivered training with pension freedoms etc in my old role which should help me for some parts of the content.
I am hoping to do an 1-2 hours a day plus 10-15 hours at the weekends so am hoping this will get me through.
Any tips for the exam?!
I took R04 earlier this year and think that you will be absolutely fine with the work you plan to put in - especially if you have a basic knowledge of Pensions and retirement planning.
With regard to tips - I have used Wizard Learning for all my R0 exams (R01 - R05) and have found that to be a great help but you've got to put in the work.
Personally, I found R03 to be more taxing than R04 so I think your plan of saving this until the new year (when you have more time to invest in your study) is probably wise.
Good luck
Also, and very importantly, I used the Fidelity technical videos with Neil Dickey which were so helpful as they gave context to a number of points in the written syllabus.
The table on the webpage also helps with ensuring the video content is relevant to the R04 exam.
Ah brilliant, thank you so much BP2012
I Scraped through RO4 this week with around 20 hours revision. My technique was do the mock exams on revision mate and the questions I got wrong look up in the book (they give you specific sections to read). I have a fairly good knowledge of pensions. Not sure that will work for everyone as when i say scraped, I mean only just passed.
I was panicking like crazy a couple of days beforehand as I was only just scraping marks from the CII question banks. I had previously gone to a revision day run by the local CII, but it turns out that I needn't have worried. I reckon it's probably down to what you get asked on the day, and I got lucky as I smashed my exam. R03 is one of the harder exams, probably close to R04 in terms of exam success, and in my exam there were more theory based questions, and far less tax calculations than I was expecting.
My best tip, read the learning objectives for each chapter (not skip them like I used to), and make sure you can explain/describe/be able to distinguish, etc
Good luck
I'm pretty sure you'll be fine with that plan. I just sat the pensions exam with far less real world knowledge - I found the CII study text way too detailed so used the Aviva notes to frame the subject knowledge, topped up with the book, and worked through the BrandFT exam papers and the CII mock (the free one with enrolement). The question practice really gives a flavour for the areas to focus on and types of questions that will come up. Good luck.
Just to say thank you all for your suggestions! I passed R04 yesterday
Well done
Well done SW1990