Ro1 study

in CPD & Exams
Hi all,
I have my exam end of June. I’ve been using wizard learning and have been getting between 85%-95% pass, however I don’t want to be caught out as each test seems to go over a lot of the same questions as before. Is this the closest thing to the actual exam?
Does anybody recommend anything else better?
Hi Stacey,
Have you tried BTS? they have study books but they also have a mobile phone app. Its about £30 per question bank and there is a couple of hundred questions in each bank. I used this as a study aid alongside my study books. Handy for when you don't want to lug the book around with you!
No I haven’t. Do you have a screenshot of what it looks like? I already do use wizard learning at revision mate
Hi Stacey,
Well done on consistently getting 85%-95%, sounds to me like you're ready to sit R01 now.
If you would feel more confident practicing more mock exams i would look to buy the addtional CII question packs (these are in addition to what you get on revisionmate). Brand Financial also offer mock exams which are also really helpful - if you go on their website you can get a free tester which is about 20 questions.
Good luck with your exam.
Hi Stacey, here is a screen shot.
Where it says "Full Exam", that is a drop down menu where
you can also select to test yourself on the individual learning outcomes too.
Let me know what you think.
Cost of advice in a KFD? I think thats wrong or I dont understand the question.
9.4.7 and 9.4.8
If you do include costs and charges, that's not to say you're doing it wrong. How MIFID 2 affects this I don't know. It's hard to 'aggregate' from a KFD if your client is about to invest in more than 1 fund.
So I read over the CII book and it says in a suitability report to include costs, charges etc. So do I just skip Brand? Not sure what to rely on now in terms of test papers.