New business submission

I am trying to track down a template for new business submissions, instead of writing a covering letter every time. Does anyone know where I might be able to find something? I've tried SimplyBiz but have drawn a blank there. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated - thanks!
What do you mean by 'new business submissions'? A document to the provider for new business or confirmation to the client that you've submitted the business?
Hi Aron - I was referring to a document/template for the provider to tell them what is enclosed; something that can be completed without having to faff around with creating a new letter each time
Having worked for a provider a long time ago my preference was a brief letter saying what was in the pack, what they wanted done, and who to speak to if there was a problem. Felt a bit more personal, but could easily be set up as a template in your chosen backoffice.
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton
The closest thing I've used before was the attached. Not sure if any use or not!
You could tweak this so provider name/address was pre-populated/automated and then you could manually tick boxes, write notes etc.