Paraplanner Standard
in CPD & Exams
Hi all 👋 has anyone signed up or gone through the assessment process for the Paraplanner Standard?
No. I'm not sure it's worth it to be honest (assuming it isn't free)
It's not free. It's something through Standards International, and I don't think it's accredited by a recognised body (eg CII/CISI). Michelle Hoskin is the founder and director so she is probably the best person to ask (but not if you want an unbiased opinion!!)
I believe that one of the conditions of being on their panel putting it together was that you had to be in the first cohort which I think was due to start in October last year.
There were a few members discussing it on the thread way back when, so perhaps they would be a good place to start:
Although having said that, Reece hasn't been on here since then, so may not be able to help much at all!
I picked up a copy and have been using the training matrix for one of our team. Not sure I would do it as 'the standard' personally, but the skills analysis was helpful for SWOT.
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton
Hi, I signed up almost two years ago now but the programme officially launched last year. However I only received the book so far and no workshops have been arranged. We love working with Standards International but there's been a delay with progressing the Paraplanner Standard which is a shame.
So apologies I can't give you any feedback on the programme as yet. I still feel positive about the programme as I expect SI to provide lots of useful information, techniques, etc as we received during two year programme our company completed recently.
Hi Anna. Any reasons given why the delay and lack of workshops?
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi Richard, they didn't explain any reasons for the delay but keep saying that they are working on it.
This is a good video which explains the standard in more detail: