Mid tax year Salary Sacrifice

Hi all

I have a case for a client who is going to sacrifice most of their income down to minimum wage (c£63k down to c£15k). He is 4 months into the year and so has paid quite a bit of IT so far.

PAYE works on a cumulative basis so the months where he had a much higher taxable income get taken into account (or so I gather). Does anyone have a spreadsheet/tool that they would be willing to share to help me do this - otherwise I will be working out his payslips :-(


Dan Atkinson FPFS CFP APP Chartered FCSI
Chartered Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planner
Head of Technical at Paradigm Norton

Twitter: https://twitter.com/danatkinsonuk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danatkinsonuk/


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