in CPD & Exams
Hi guys
I am considering purchasing a case study analysis for the AF5 exam I am sitting next month. Has anyone purchased these before?
I was looking at Brand FT and Expert Pensions. Are either of them any good?
Many thanks
Hi Richard
You might be a bit late for Expert Pensions as their offering is a structured study plan, but it's probably still worth talking to them in case there is anything they can help with.
I can't comment on Brand as I haven't used them, but I have heard good things from those that have
Thanks Andy
I used Brand FT and Wizard Learning (two of us doing it so bought two "solutions"). Absolutely worth it and would recommended to anyone taking it. I reckon around 75% of the stuff in the solutions was covered in the exam.
I used Brand (via a JV with Expert Pensions at the time randomly) and it was very useful. Loads of good pointers on the basics that always crop up and can get you 30 marks in the bag.
Thank you, I have used Expert Pensions study notes for AF1, AF3 & AF4 and have found them really useful so I am leaning towards them. I have heard good things about Brand though just not sure I fancy paying for both!
If anyone is actually thinking or has purchased the Brand material for AF5 April 2019 exam, give me a nudge I may have a proposition for you.