Scheme pays vs self pay

in General
Just out of interest what does everyone use to calculate whether its better for an individual to opt for scheme pays or not? I've done a spreadsheet as advised by a colleague, but what do you do? I feel in over my head here!
It's one of the most complicated things you can do as a Paraplanner (IMO).
I've recently done an opt out report for someone in 2 sections of the TPS with historic, current and future AA and LTA issues... blooming nightmare.
And I also found not much help available, all manual calculations in excel.
Good old excel
Could the position be swayed by the client's cash flow? They simply don't have the spare income and would prefer the scheme pays.....?
yeah but I think you still should illustrate the impact of the scheme paying instead
Thank you for the replies. I have done an excel spreadsheet