Report writing systems?

Although there's already a thread on here from earlier in the year about report writing systems including Genovo, I am hoping to get some feedback on using them or their peers in terms of pros and cons for system specific issues?
thank you!
Genovo is probably the best, as far as I know. We looked at it and in the end preferred, ultimately, to retain our own templates. We felt we'd probably end up taking the 'wizard' approach off Genovo and then changing bits and pieces to suit our needs. In which case we may as well generate our own templates.
So our templates are auto-generated by IO's document designer.
The downside of keeping it in-house, however, is that we are responsible for their upkeep.
Same. as @arongunningham They were our preferred if we went down that route but are working on creating these to generate from iO in the next few months.We prefer our more personal approach.
Completely agree with these two responses.
My experience of using Genovo was one of frustration. Ultimately I found it took longer than simply producing my own report and keeping the relevant sections as my own standard text for future use.
I had real problems with this. We are with SimplyBiz and used to use the facility in IO but now have to go directly to the SimplyBiz website as huge swathes of the reports were missing - the first heading that used to appear was to do with the client's ATR, which normally appears around half way through the report. I guess maybe it thought that the client's current situation and objectives/priorities were not deemed important!
I would welcome opinions on alternatives - PPOL was mentioned on Tuesday at the Powwow, as was another package which name currently escapes me
We concluded much the same; the time taken to maintain our own content within the Genovo or ATEB templates would be broadly similar to just doing it all ourselves. Also, doing it ourselves, we wouldn't have any additional external cost.
ATEB is probably the 2nd most popular. PPOL is dire in my experience, and in fact i think the main man at Genovo left PPOL to set up Genovo (presumably realising he could do it better).
IO is purely our own handiwork, just with 'feeds' into certain data fields on IO via prompts the user clicks on when they first generate the report. All the content we've added, I don't think IO supply anything like that, just the functionality?
I agree with the above. I prescribe to the mantra "if you want something done right, do it yourself" when it comes to suitability reports and templates/ systems.
@Andy_Schleider ATEB was the other one.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.