Any Southerners (Dorset) interested in Voyant intro training?

Hi all,

I was looking at Voyant training but I think it's quite pricey and in London (more cost and time and I hate getting up early!).

They will come to us for a half day for £500 and we have facilities here. Please let me know if you would be interested in Voyant intro training in Ferndown, Dorset and I'll see if I can take this forward if there are enough of us to get the price per person under £120.

Introductory Session
10:00am - 2:30pm GMT Cost £120 per person
This is intended to be an introductory session for new users or those who would like a refresher. These will be 'hands on' sessions. Attendees should bring a laptop with Voyant Adviser already installed and should have watched the Voyant Introductory webinar prior to attending. We will build a case from scratch in Voyant Adviser, create various what if scenarios and run simulations and discuss how to produce printed reports. The focus will be on inputting to build a robust Base plan and what if scenarios, interpreting the charts and understanding the outputs. We will also look at the functionality available in Adviser Go. These sessions will run from 10am to 2.30pm, including lunch, which is included in the cost.

Clare Weight


  • Hi Clare

    Although not interested in the above, we signed up to Andy Hart's and it is a really good set of videos taking you from the basics to pro level. Its a monthly subscription which may be more palatable for the firm and Andy is always on hand to answer any email queries.

    It's really upped our knowledge and others that have done both have thought Andy's stuff was more useful. In addition, the normal Voyant Support section 'online help' also covers almost every subject you can think of if you are stuck on the plan as you are working on it.

    As a quick example, Andy changes the way you address the plan at the very start by changing key elements and adding a Financial Independence date that everything is linked to which is much more useful and is not covered in Voyant training.

    I do not receive any kick backs by the way, just credit where credit is due and I believe you can switch it off whenever you like.


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