
I tried to sign into Cashcalc but I'm getting the following message: "We're offline for the bank holiday weekend whilst we upgrade CashCalc with some amazing new features! Thanks for your patience, we'll be back online as soon as we can."
Does anyone know when service will be resumed? I need a cashflow report for Tuesday first thing and although I've signed up for a free trial with Voyant, I can't make head nor tail of it!
Unfortunately, we were all offline over the weekend it seems and didn't get a chance to reply!
By now, hopefully, it's back online?
It is, and full of bugs.
I had to screen grab and paste in the Money In/Money Out and Savings over Time graphs to the report. Also the State Pension income hasn't been taken into account at all, even though it's been entered (and you can't save the inflation proofing).
(They're not owned by Aviva are they??!)