Risk Profiling Questionnaire

Hi all :smiley: 

We are developing our own in house risk profiling questionnaire but want to stay away from the old "Risk Profiling Questionnaire" or "Risk Assessment" title - does anyone have any more up beat funky suggestions that they might use or have heard of for this type of document? 


  • That's a tough one. Wracked my brains and can't come up with much that doesn't sound just as naff!:

    • Opportunity Assessment (why not flip 'risk' on it's head!?)

    • Risk vs Reward Assessment

    • Are you a bull or a bear?

    • Investment Portfolio Questionnaire

    • Disney Princess Preference Indicator @Nathan

    Jonny (paraflex)
  • Hi Sian

    If you have a look at COBS 9.2, it specifically refers to risk profile. At 9.2.2 (2)

    "The information regarding the investment objectives of a client must include, where relevant, information on the length of time for which he wishes to hold the investment, his preferences regarding risk taking, his risk profile, and the purposes of the investment."

    It doesn't have to be called a 'Risk Assessment' but I would say that needs to be clearly shown that that is what it is. So at a minimum if it isn't obvious from the title there should be a clear paragraph of boring words before the questions to explain it.

    Benjamin Fabi 
  • thanks @benjaminfabi I have the boring wording down to a T!
    @parawhat I would love to use the Disney Princess Preference Indicator or I think @Nathan also came up with the Fairground Ride Assessment but unfortunately those radical ideas will not be an option which those who make the final decisions will consider.

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