Part time para planner available


My name is Jonathan Nicholls and I am an experienced financial planner looking for part time work.

I joined the industry in 1998 and have obtained the following qualifications:

·         June 1999 – Awarded the Financial Planning Certificate

·         October 1999 – Passed Taxation and Trusts (G10)

·         October 2000 – Passed Pensions (G60)

·         October 2001 – Passed Personal Investment Planning (G20)

·         January 2002 – Awarded the Advanced Financial Planning Certificate

·         April 2002 – Investment Portfolio Management (G70)

·         April 2007 – Pensions Simplification (CF9)


During my time in financial services I worked as a para planner, adviser, and a contractor reviewing endowment and inheritance tax sales.  I left the industry in 2009 for personal reasons.

I have spoken with the CII who have confirmed that the above qualifications ensure I am RDR compliant and qualified to the Diploma in Financial Planning level.

I am willing to ‘gap fill’ my knowledge in light of my time out of the industry.  If anyone is looking for a home based part time para planner then please contact me at



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