Factfind completion

Hi all,
I'm curious to hear how everyone else operates when completing the factfind.
I occasionally get a few missing bits of information on factfinds that then require follow ups.
We also get the ever present objectives that seem adviser created such as a co-ordinated investment strategy.
As the advisers at our firm currently complete the factfind with the client. One alternative some use is to get the client to complete, which does obviously involve a bit more paperwork for the client.
I've created two polls to get an idea of how other firms work. Also, if anyone has changed their processes on completing the factfinds, would be great to hear.
- Who initiated it?.
- Were there any particular challenges to bringing in?
- Has anyone got client feedback to either approach?
The polls are:
Who completes the factfind:
When is the factfind issued?
Thanks for completing and any comments.
If it is a new client, on the initial call to arrange the meeting, we get a little info but then we let them know that there will be a basic details questionnaire coming to them via email for them to complete and return so that we can prepare for their meeting. We use this to get the hard facts we need and some details on their goals and aspirations so that the planner and paraplanner can then focus the meeting on the soft facts, goals and future plans that we need to build their cashflow and Financial Plan.
This makes the meeting as effective as possible and more engaging for the client as they get to talk about themselves, their family their plans and things that are important to them rather than form filling which tends to turn people off!
This isn't appropriate for all clients though but we gauge that during the initial call / conversation and tailor the approach to the client accordingly.
We find that this work well with clients as it builds the relationship right from the first meeting but we also have the majority of the hard data that we need prior to going into that initial meeting.
Hope that's useful!
After initial contact we send them a request for hard facts (income, expenditure, savings, investment, pension, risk profile etc) and adviser then gets the soft facts at the initial meeting; focusing on the client and their needs / wants.
Our view is the advice process is a two way street so if a client is not willing to give us those bits up front then do we really want them as a client....