Drawdown to drawdown transfers and stakeholder discounting rules


I keep getting this issue bounced at me and I can't point to concrete evidence.

My understanding is that a full FAD to FAD transfer does not require a need to discount a stakeholder or workplace scheme as it's essentially already a retirement product and therefore doesn't meet the definition under cobs 19.2?

Am I mistaken and you do have to discount it? If so why? If not, what can i refer our compliance team to say you don't?



  • A drawdown is still a personal pension (just one that has been varied to allow withdrawals).

    Are there actually stakeholders that allow drawdown? That should be easy enough to discount!

  • Aviva's one actually does, but it's heavily restricted on how you can take withdrawals - can only be ad hoc and not on a regular basis. They also won't accept drawdown transfers in. Feels like Aviva have shot themselves in the foot here a little...

  • COBS 19.2.2

    When a firm prepares a suitability report it must:

    (1) (in the case of a personal pension scheme), explain why it considers the personal pension scheme to be at least as suitable as a stakeholder pension scheme;

    Doesn't matter what state of play the pension is in, if you are recommending a personal pension, you must comply with the above rule. One day I'm sure someone will realise that it needs to be changed or removed. But until then it's a simple paragraph that needs putting in every pension recommendation report.

    At least you don't need to discount the workplace pension too!

    Benjamin Fabi 
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