Getting Started
Hi all,
As I am now on the cusp of becoming chartered and well versed in writing bespoke reports for a variety of clients I'm getting started as a freelance paraplanner. I have a a few general questions I'm hoping someone with experience can help me with.
1) My first question is in relation to fees: I'd like to set myself up on a pay-as-you-go basis without a retainer to offer clients flexibility to pay as business arises (rather than rolling on and potentially losing any retainer paid for up front). Do you find clients are generally more receptive to a flat fee basis than a pay-per-hour basis?
2) My intention is to ask clients to provide the following in order to build a report:
- Their template letter, relative to the advice provided
- Their Factfind
- Their ATR
- A checklist including their recommendations, notes and softfacts obtained during the meeting
- Illustrations in relation to their recommendation
Of course this will vary from case to case but generally speaking would these be the essential requirements to provide a report?
3) Although clients will be providing access to any software they require in their own reports, I believe it's wise to have access to an in-house suite. having considered the usual suspects I'm looking to obtain licenses for the following:
- SelectaPension
- Synaptic
- FE analytics
- Voyant (or Moneyscope)
In the opinion of experienced outsourced Paraplanners, are any of these surplus to requirement when starting out? Admittedly; I've had not dealings with Selectapension or Synaptics previously! It would be great to know of your experience with these programs and if outputs produced by these programs are included in all of your reports.
Apologies for the lengthy message. Looking forward to getting to know you all and potentially working with you in the future!