Question for FE gurus
Hi all,
Is there some way in FE of showing the data around a fund switch in one document?
I.e. charges/asset allocation/performance pre & post switch?
Is there some way in FE of showing the data around a fund switch in one document?
I.e. charges/asset allocation/performance pre & post switch?
There's a guide on their YouTube channel
Steven McBurnie, CFP
Paraplanner at Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP
That is really useful.
Every day is a school day (especially with FE!!)
I can't edit my previous post now, so I just thought I'd jump on to say thanks again - I just had a call from a client who wanted me to compare a couple of portfolios, and due to the video kindly posted by @Steven_McBurnie I was able to knock one out in literally a couple of minutes while I was talking to them
Has anyone managed to get the report to print on two pages?
If I select PDF to print there is enough space at the bottom of pages 1 and 2, but the report defaults to 3 pages.
It doesn't show the ex-ante/Mifid costs though and only OCFs. That's an issue in this day and age. However, you can compare the 2 x portfolios on the Ex-Ante Calculator instead which does show all costs.