Looking for an excel template to avoid re-inventing the wheel
Morning All
Cheeky ask this I know but if you don't ask....
I am looking to put together a template spreadsheet to cost up cases for our advisers depending on complexity, number of policies etc etc and wondered if anyone had one they could share. In particular im looking at particular fields i.e. number of existing policies to analyse...which one you add the figure it then has an output field for time e.g. you add 3 policies and it adds another 1.5 hours to the analysis time/report time etc.
I have been trying and failing with the IF formula tool so think I need some more practice with this.
Does this help?
Not quite what I was after to be fair but thank you. Was looking for a real in depth one based on what type of cases, number of plans, complexity with IF formulas showing if you select a number of plans it puts set times in etc or type of case i.e at retirement case adds x number of hours etc
OK. Can do this but think =IFS(...) formula would not work as too many variables.
From what you say your variables would be best assessed on a policy by policy basis with drop down menus.
So we have for each case:
Case Type; Case Complexity; Time; Fee.
Case Type and Complexity would be drop down menus. Time could be dependent on previous two answers; fixed or manual. Fee is then time x fee rate.
Would that work?
Draft spreadsheet re my last post
This is one I built a long time ago, might be hackable for what you need.
Thank you both, very helpful!