Advertising/marketing question
I know many of you don't advertise, and acquire clients by referrals and word of mouth.
The clients I have are keeping me busy, however I know too well the dangers of keeping my eggs in a small number of baskets. I feel I'm happy to make the next step and start to grow the business, and take on a freelancer (if necessary) to start with.
I have, in principle, agreed to a two week marketing campaign with a local agency (they're waiving their agency fee so I thought I would try them out as I'm not losing very much), however I don't think they really understand my business and they didn't ask many questions about what I do. I guess they could have got a fair amount of info from my website?
Someone suggested I get an opinion and use Twitter, and although I have an account, I can't really get on with it (and, tbh, I have no idea what I would say there anyway!). I post on LinkedIn now and then, and that sometimes gets a fair amount of views, and I belong to a breakfast networking group (which I won't be renewing).
For someone who is relatively new to the game, can you share what you did when you started to get clients, or do you have any suggestions?