R06 July (remote exam)



  • What did everybody think?

  • I bought the BrandFT analysis and my company used L&D to provide a 2 day workshop. Just about everything they predicted did come up which was a big plus.

    However the UI is truely dreadful. When you submit your answer to a question it ‘locks’ the answer and the only way to amend it is to press a Edit button. Unfortunately there is a Clear button right next to the Edit button. Pressing this wipes out your whole answer!! I dd that on one question and had 1 minute left to re-create it. What is amazing is that you presss a clear button that wipes out all of your answer and there is no onscreen prompt to ask you to confirm it or worse still to even tell you you have done it.

    Really peed off about it 🤬

  • PSA456PSA456 Member

    @harpoon i think you should send that as feedback, that's really unfair and quite a flaw in their system.
    Valuable marks lost from no fault of your own.

  • PSA456PSA456 Member

    @George77 thought it was okay.... had the Brand material and they covered pretty much all the topics.
    How did u find it ? Reckon you put down enough points ?

  • @PSA456

    I did send en email to the CII ukcentreadministration@cii.co.uk email afterwards saying that I had a problem.

  • Hi all,

    I sat R06 yesterday and the drama was logging in caused a lot of extra stress, I found by the time I could start I was stressed and flustered certainly not ideal preparation. I thought when the exam was finished and submitted answers there was no real prompts as how to close down/log out. I did enjoy typing out answers but after this experience would favour an exam centre even with travel and time involved.

    The exam itself I though was ok. I did use Brand material and the main points came up such as State Pension, LTA Protection, Estate Planning etc. I think the curve ball question for me was EIS, I couldnt remember the exact figures from R03, I did however manage to put more generic points that I would expect to get marks for.

    All in all the exam was ok but the system and stress was not ideal. Like many others I did not know if the issue was my end and tried to call the CII 30+ times in panic and email etc.

    Hopefully the technological problems do not occur again.

  • @PSA456 yes i was the same, having the Brand material really helped. I think like most others the drama of logging in did not help especially as the CII customer support number was constantly engaged but all in all i think the exam itself went fairly comfortably.

  • PSA456PSA456 Member
    edited July 2020

    Brand stuff was pretty point. The faff of getting in was stressful yes, threw me off . No wonder we couldn't get through to the CII as everyone was trying to get through. And as you can't open any other windows while you're in the secure browser.... couldn't even check emails for updates or to find my password. Nightmare.

  • I trust everyone has seen the good news about the results date being pushed back by a fortnight to 28th August that's been quietly updated on the CII website?

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