Mentoring Programme?
Hi everyone,
The CII have created a mentoring programme for members which I think is a brilliant idea, however I have noticed there aren't many paraplanners that have signed up to be a mentor or mentee.
I think it would be great if we could start a mentoring programme on here for the paraplanning community.
I am more than happy to be a mentor to someone who is starting out their paraplanning journey, if that is exams or entering the industry.
Likewise, I would love to be mentored as we are always learning
Would anyone else be interested in this too?
Is there anything stopping you from signing up as a mentor with the CII? (assuming you haven't)
I think there's a huge need for mentoring in the industry especially as the "paraplanner" role ranges so vastly! I have been thinking of trying to set something up for a while so lets see if we can make something happen!
I flit between memberships of the CII and others as only the LIBF call me Chartered so I wont be giving that up and I think its a shame that the current mentoring programmes are offered to members.