Cost Comparisons / OCF & Transaction Cost

Hi All,
Looking to gauge how people do their cost comparison - whether they include transaction costs or not.
For example, if someone has an ISA - you search for the sedol code on the provider website and the provider spits out the OCF i.e. 0.40% - do you use that figure, or do you then go to the fund manager site and try and locate the transaction costs for the fund?
Ie I have run the portfolio of funds on FE which states a portfolio of expense of 0.42% - which prob doesnt factor in transaction costs of the portfolio of funds.
We always quote all the costs inc transaction fees. If you have FE, the MiFID tool pulls them all through.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Thanks Richard :@)