AF4 - 7th March sitting

in CPD & Exams
Just wondering if anyone sat the exam last week and, if so, what they thought of the paper.
Just wondering if anyone sat the exam last week and, if so, what they thought of the paper.
Hi Caz,
I took sat the exam also. Overall, i thought it was ok. Not many calculations, but the ones that came up e.g. diluted nav, i hadn't really prepared for.
Based on the previous exam guides, it was inline with my expectations. A lot of questions i think i did well, but there was also some i know i didn't perform well. Literally have no idea if i have done enough to pass.
I did spend a lot of time doing past exam guides which i do think was invaluable for my prep however
How do you think it went?
I would mostly agree with this. As time goes on I keep thinking back and I know I have made some silly mistakes but fingers crossed it was enough to pass.
I was glad about there not being many company calculations but I know I messed up the diluted Nav calculation.
I spent the last month beforehand doing past papers and revising any knowledge gaps. Just a long wait til the 3rd May but doing J10 in the meantime
I sat it and I actually think it was ok too. The diluted NAV one got me, as did stochastic modelling (seriously?!) and friendly societies (again, seriously?!) but otherwise I think everything else was ok. I think I got the EIS one which felt good as it was quite hefty and (most of) the others were quite bread and buttery, I thought.
I have sat it before and failed it so this time I took it a lot more seriously and made sure I at least attempted stuff to try and speak some marks out...
It's a v. long wait for a result though, well annoying.
Thanks for the replies. Same here really. Seems a long time ago now!
Some easy marks, some stupid mistakes.
My feelings about whether I've done enough to pass change daily. I literally have no clue.
I think I would be surprised to have passed but I'm a perfectionist and have a tendancy to be pessimistic so we'll see.
I'll be on here on or around results day to see how everyone got on.
Fingers crossed
To add some variety of answers.. I thought it was horrendous haha. I studied for 5 months, followed a structured training programme, did well in exam condition past papers and for some reason felt like I completely fell apart in the exam! Lesson learned, you can prep as much as you want but it's sometimes your luck on the day... anyway, fingers crossed for results day!
Best of luck with the results everyone!!
There were definitely more than a few curveballs! The fact I didn't need my scientific calclulator really threw me - I almost felt I could be in the wrong exam at times.
My handwriting/presentation went down the pan quite quickly and I lost my confidence - I think the examiner marking my paper will probably think I'm a bit of an idiot!
That, coupled with a much too warm exam room and major building work going on in the hotel, made it my worse CII exam experience yet - the only way is up
How did everyone get on? I scraped a pass - 88 marks exactly and second time of trying - and I was REALLY either I'm a thicko or it was hard...could be a bit of both. Either way I'm v relieved but now dreading AF1 which is harder by most accounts.
Congrats - I passed with 97, but I felt like I got lucky with some of the questions (apart from the diluted nav) as I knew alot of the knowledge which came up. If there was more company ratios ect might have been a different story. But I actually found j10 exam harder than I thought whilst I enjoyed sitting AF4. Going to concentrate on AF8 and then AF1/J02 next Feb/March. I am not looking forward to AF1 I must admit
Funny as I found J10 pretty easy...J12 was horrible but scraped it. Congrats to you too.
Well done both.
I passed on my first attempt with 95 marks!
As I said in my earlier posts, I really wasn’t sure how I’d done but this has given me the confidence that I can cope with Advanced level exams.
Onwards to September now, when I’ll sit AF1 one week, followed by J02 the next week!
I also found J10 harder than I thought it would be too, but I didn’t put much prep in at all apart from the af4 study.
I am going for AF1 also in September. I did loaads of past exam guides for af4 and I feel like it gave me a good idea of the areas to put extra revision in to. Hopefully it will be similar for af1 🤞
Let me know who is planning to do af1 in September as it would be good to get a WhatsApp group going to bounce off each other
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