R02 Support

in CPD & Exams
Good afternoon everyone, hope you're all well.
On Saturday I failed my R02 for the second time, having missed out by 2 marks the first time and 4 marks the second.
I consistently pass my radomised tests on RevisionMate and even passed the mock paper provided, but I seem to hit a brick wall when it comes to my exam.
I was wondering if anyone had any tips for how I can push past this wall as I am at a loss of what to do next. I am trying to stay positive but I am struggling to get re-motivated after a second fail.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Dan,
It sounds like you just need that little bit extra. I am a fan of BTS study guides but sounds like the BTS study buddy app might just give you want you need to pass. I have found it to be more like the exam than RevisionMate which is just bizarre but it worked for me.
My BTS 120 days has run out now so would you suggest me rebuying it?
Hi Dan,
Sorry to hear you failed your RO2 exam. I failed my first exam by 1 mark
If you contact BTS & explain your circumstances they will hopefully extend your licence for you so you can continue studying without having to pay for the full 120 days again.
I would recommend getting BTS Study Buddy, I too found the questions more like the ones in the exam & you also get instant feedback explaining why the right answer is the right answer.
Don't give up as you're pretty much there! A couple of clicks and it would've been a Pass
Hi Dan
Sorry to hear you didn't pass. R02 is in my view the toughest of the R0s so try not to get too down.
Brand Financial Training offer a lot of supporting resources for R02 and we have a 10% discount on resources through this forum. (just enter BIGTENT10% at checkout). I would suggest having a read of our R02 How to Pass guide (this is free is you sign up to any R02 taster resource on our website) and do please get in touch with our technical team who will be able to give you some additional advice (theteam@brandft.co.uk). Good luck. Ann
Hi Dan,
I'd second using BrandFT for your RO2. They are fantastic and also have free material so you can see how they present info before you buy. The explanations they provide are really detailed but in plain text so really easy to digest and understand.
You've also probably already done this, but do make sure you check the syllabus for the breakdown of which learning outcomes and chapters have the highest amount of questions allocated to them. Make sure you're really comfortable with those topics.
Best of luck for your next sitting. Feel free to message if you'd like.