Exam credits - double bubble

in CPD & Exams
Hi. Following today's Assembly on revision and exam technique, some people were asking about doing exams where there's a big overlap in content. This let's you use the learning from one exam to also take another slightly different exam, bagging some extra credits towards your total.
For example, I did R02 (my diploma pre-dated this exam) and shortly after I did J10 (discretionary investment management) and then AF4 (investment planning).
Has anyone else discovered any exams with significant overlap, to 'double bubble' the credits?
You could also maybe combine these with AF6 or AF8 (both coursework) as this can be done between revision/exams/results
I did AF7 and J05 as there is some overlap there.
John Reynolds and Gayle (Expert Pensions) suggested AF4 and PCIAM. You can get credit award for PCIAM for a bit of extra work, and the exam dates apparently work well; you can take AF4 and do the extra study for PCIAM for the exam a couple of months or so later. This is something I am considering, as then I can do AF5.
Sounds easy in theory...!!
AF4, J10, J12.
70 credits and both J papers are FCA certified exams for advising on specific areas (namely DIM and direct shares)