AF8 Assignment 1

in CPD & Exams
I wondered if anyone could provide me with a bit of guidance about whether using the same format and structure as the CII's exemplar assignment as the basis for my first AF8 assignment would constitute plagiarism? I feel like they've given it as a resource so surely it's ok to use the layout / format / structure and just make it relevant to the clients' situation from the assignment fact find? Does anyone have any advice on this please? I don't want to assume it's ok to do that and then fail because it's too similar in format! Thank you!
You might find our blog on getting started with assignment 1 a useful read:
In regards to your question, it is OK to use the format and structure to base your assignment as it is there for guidance and won't be deemed as plagiarism as all the content will be your own. We (Expert Pensions) give a structure and format and guidance, all generic and not specific to your exact case study and this is absolutely fine.
Good luck
Thank you so much @Gayle, that's really helpful!
Has anyone submitted their AF8 assignment. It has gone through the Turnitin software. Does anybody know how to interpret the data. As alot of the stuff flagged is just the beginning of the actual assignment which is throwing the % out. Does anybody know how to interpret it or any experience with it ?
I wouldnt worry about it to much, it will pick up all of your references as well. So as long as you have referenced properly it shouldnt be an issue. I remember being surprised how high my % was but i had not feedback on it. As long as its all your own work excluding references you have nothing to worry about
I think their term for "exemplar" is somewhat misleading - if you look at their "exemplar" example for assignment 3 and then read the examiner notes, it actually calls it a "fail" from memory.