Accessing Pension to act as bridging loan

I have just been asked to do a RWL for clients who want to access their pensions to act as a bridging loan to purchase a house. They need more than their TFC, so will trigger the MPAA. They are talking about re-investing the funds once the initial house is sold but obviously not in pension funds. Has anyone come across this scenario before? The adviser hasn't given me any info to do cashflow modelling yet, so need to discuss this with him ... If client doesn't give any income and expenditure are they an insistent client? Any guidance/thoughts appreciated.
They will only be an insistent client if:
In this case you're going to be advising on the suitability of flexi-access drawdown for a client who wants to access pension funds in lieu of using a bridging loan from a commercial lending business.
This will have significant drawbacks. For you to give fully informed advice i.e. to 'know your client', I would at least expect to see:
Depending on how much they want/need, and the information above, I would be looking at:
This could mean a higher income tax bill in the current year, but wouldn't restrict future contributions, other than within the PCLS recycling rules for the first few years.
Thank you so much for this response, it is really helpful and appreciated.