What number of monitors do you use?

in General
I currently only have 2. The left in landscape and usually divided into 2, the right in portrait for reading pdfs or writing SLs in Word.
I think a 3rd monitor would be better, so split in 2 I can always view 5 windows.
What do you have set up? Thanks
Just the two for me. Both portrait and single. Two is enough I think. I certainly could never go back to one monitor!
Two 24" side by side and the laptop monitor underneath. The problem with using three monitors is that productivity drops significantly when I'm forced to go back to one.
Two monitors for me as well. I thought about using the laptop with them for emails only, but it is being used by my employee until I get new hardware.
@benjaminfabi that monitor stand looks a bit precarious - I have a stand for my monitors which take up a fair amount of desk space so looking for something a bit more minimalistic, and which won't fall on me when I'm in the middle of a report!!!