R06 April 2021

in CPD & Exams
Hi Everyone,
I'm taking my R06 exam in April 2021 and thought it would be good to get a group going for anyone also taking the exam then.
I have already done R01-R05.
Is anyone else taking R06 April 2021?
Hi Darren,
I am hoping to do so! Just passed R01 on Saturday which completed my other R0 exams. Just need the green light from my employer too!
How do you feel about the exam generally? I haven't done a written exam since I finished uni, so should be...fun?!
Hi guys,
I have recently passed R05 so now have all R0's completed apart from R06. I was thinking of registering for the April sitting of R06, do you think this gives me enough time?
How have you guys revised so far without having the case studies?
Yeah I feel ok. Apparently a lot of it is exam technique and ensuring that you are answering the question that is being asked.
I am spending most my time at the moment looking at past exams and learning the types of questions that can be asked and how to answer them.
once the case studies come out I will study more specific knowledge areas based on the case studies presented.
At the moment the amount of study you can do is limited. I am using this time mostly to familiarise myself with the types of questions that can come up and exam technique.
You cant do much specific revision until the case studies come out other then general questions.
Good to know. I have just booked onto the April sitting so I will be doing the same. Have you done any written CII exams before? This will be the first one for me.
That's Great!
No, this is my first written exam. The only others I have done is R01-05 multiple choice exams.
The case studies should give clues as to what types of questions that could come up and studies areas. Also, looking at the types of questions they ask i.e. Factfinding, Analyse, Recommend, Other, Explain and how to structure your answers would be useful.
If you have the CII audio that is quite good.
I ended up getting booked onto a BTS revision course & purchasing the study guide they offer. I must say it is much more accessible than the CII guides for the other modules. Feeling a bit better about it now, it seems to be more (as you said) exam technique than anything else. Guess we will have to wait until the case study comes out now!
We provide a full analysis of the case studies at Expert pensions if you are looking for additional support. Here is a bit of guidance we have given in regard to Protection for R06 which i hope you find useful.
Always expect at least 1 question on protection products in your R06 exam. It could be asking about the benefit of existing protection, asking you to recommend a particular protection policy or compare 2 products in the R06 exam. These are often worth in excess of 10 marks – get the product(s) wrong or mixed up and you’ll lose lots of marks.
So how do we know what product the CII want us to choose for the recommend a product question? Well, there will be clues in either the case study or in the question that should lead you to the product they want you to choose…the key words to look out for are: income / lump sum / illness - ongoing or diagnosis / long term / short term. Knowing which products match these terms will identify the one the CII want you to choose e.g. payment of a lump sum on diagnosis would refer to critical illness, income in the short term would be ASU, income in the long-term would be income protection insurance etc…
Best of luck in the exam next month
I don't wish to ruin anyone's bank holiday weekend but the case study is available.
I have had good read through the case studies.
What's everyone else's initial thoughts on them?
The case studies are out and they are real toughies. Anyone that does not follow Bespoke Training Solutions on LinkedIn I would suggest you do so, as we will be posting lost of thoughts, hints and tips all over the Easter WE as we analyse these two beasts. Our analysis, which is like some R06 eLearning but based on the two exam case studies should be available on Tuesday 6th April. www.bespoketrainingsolutions.com
Happy studying all, I would have the Easter eggs at the ready to fuel your studies!
BTS have spent all BH WE so far analysing these two April case studies. Follows us on LinkedIn as we are posting loads of hints and tips that will be really useful to help with your exam revision.
Hi guys
Here are our quick initial thoughts about what could be in R06 in April. Agree with earlier comments that this is likely to be a quite different exam so preparation will be key.
Ian Patterson