BrandFT / Wizard Learning

in CPD & Exams
I am finally at a stage where I am able to start studying the R01 unit.
From a studying point of view, Im looking to purchase study material from either BrandFT or Wizard Learning (if anybody has any preference please let me know), but my main question is it essential to purchase the material from Cii?
My thought was to purchase the learning material not at Cii which I read was easier to understand, and the just purchase the assessment on Cii. Is this a sensible way to do it?
Any help is much appreciated
We deliver an online study plan for R01 which includes full notes, online quizzes, video tutorials and a mini mock exam. As we provide the study text you wouldn't need to purchase the additional CII text. Hope thsi help and best of luck with your studies and upcoming exam.
I have used a combination of brandft notes and mock exams. You can also access the CII books for free if you are a member It helsp to keep costs down. Good Luck!
R01 is a really tough exam yet BTS achieve pretty close to 100% pass rate through a combination of using our study guide and our App R0 study buddy. Have a look on our All you would need to book via the CII is an exam sitting.
Hi everyone
We've updated our position on offers to share paid for and licensed materials in the Big Tent. We've updated it here but thought we'd share here too...
Paraplanners are a caring, sharing bunch and that's a good thing. Occasionally we see discussions about sharing paid for exam preparation materials in this forum. If you’ve paid for support material, it’s very likely you’ve agreed to terms and conditions that prohibit sharing.
While the motivation is undoubtedly generous, sharing can affect the businesses that produce these materials and, if persistent and widespread, will undermine their sustainability.
We want to support the businesses that help paraplanners, especially in this important field, which is why we will immediately delete any post that talks about sharing materials. We'd encourage you to check the terms you've agreed to before making any offers.