
in CPD & Exams
Hi, is anyone else sitting R04 soon or sat it recently? I have just started the book but was hoping to do it by the end of August and then do R06 in October and was wondering how it was in relation to the others and if people think this is possible? I have done R01, R02, R03 and R05 and found them all bar R02 okay. I found R02 a really hard so if R04 is anything like that I might give myself a bit longer. Thanks
Hi Jen, I sat R04 & passed first time on 14/07/20. This was a relatively reasonable exam for me and felt it was somewhat easier than R02 & R03. Saying that, the time I took to study for the exam was significantly shorter for R04. If you work in practice then it is probably a little easier - there are a few fundamental things you can do that give you a steer on most questions. Thinking about how the government would want to tax certain benefits in certain ways and why, and what their general aims and objectives are long term help with the multiple choice questions. I can share some R04 material if you send me a message with your email on. Hope this helps!
Hi @JenEC14 and @JBar, I am hoping to sit my RO4 at the end of August too and then RO3. I signed up for the Expert Pensions R04 course which I think is pretty good. Was looking at the Brand Financial resources too and wondered if you guys or anyone else had tried the audio or the calculations workbook? Be interested to hear. Also be interested in any R04 material you have that you would be willing to share!
Hi Alice, I would have a look at BTS as well, they are pretty good, they have an app you can download and buy question packs, I would say they are pretty similar to the exam ones. I have actually used the BTS textbook instead of the CII one for most of my exams, they are so much easier to read and understand. I can send you the stuff Joe sent me if he hasn't already sent it to you? I don't have any online stuff for R03 though.
HI @JenEC14, sorry I am only just seeing this! I have never heard of bespoke training solutions! I will have a look. Thank you.
I am due to take my exam at the end of November and was wondering if someone could please send me some past RO4 papers or other study materials that may be useful?
Thank you!
I’m happy to buddy up with someone if wanted.
I’m interested to see if any has used any audio guides for this and if so, were they helpful?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help? I received my study material last year with the view to sitting the exam. Fast forward to now and I have been unable to sit the exam but still have the exam voucher to use until August 2022. So I am planning to book to sit this in April. Does anyone have the 2021-2022 study book (PDF) they could share with me? I have the 2020-2021 but unsure whether there have been updates to this? my email is carris.mcentagart@gmail.com - Many thanks.