R03 Help

in CPD & Exams
Hi All,
Wondering if someone could offer some advice / help with R03?
I've passed CF1, CF6, R01, R02, R04 and R05 but I'm stuck on R03. For some reason I can't seem to get my head around it!
I have the Aviva revision notes, Brand and CII along with the question bank from the CII and revision papers from Brand.
For some reason however I can't seem to consistently pass the CII revision questions. I don't know if it's the range of questions or a mental block but some help would be appreciated!
Hi Ryan, I'm pretty sure this is a really sticky one for lots of people. So glad I haven't had to do it! But, there's a Howwow this week on study tips - https://paraplannerspowwow.co.uk/events/howwow-online-study-hints-and-tips/ if that's any help.
Thanks Suse!
@RyanBrown Hi Ryan, if it makes you feel better, I had to retake this many times. can you pick out what particular areas you are struggling with? The CII revision questions aren't great in terms of practicing for the actual exam to be honest. The chapter summaries are quite useful.
I take it in less than two weeks
My email address is nicoleamower@gmail.com
I don't suppose any of you have an R03 textbook you're willing to sell on? Got the pdf from CII but because had to rebook a postponed exam from Covid-19 over the phone I seem unable to get the latest textbook as my online enrolment has disappeared.
Thanks in advance! Also if you have any practice papers too? I've got R02 ones to trade
Thanks for your help!
I'll look at just redoing past papers!
Hi Ryan,
I passed R03 in early March (luckily just before lockdown). I had comfortbaly passed R01 and R02 and just passed R03.
I did find there were some questions in the exam where tax tables/common sense did give the answer, especially with stamp duty etc. This certainly is a tricky one but just keep practicing.
I think it is always worth reading around the subjects using other resources. I think sometimes when things are applied to real life scenarios it makes so much more sense. I have a Canada Life IHT guide they sent my work, although it is now slightly out of date IHT, Trusts etc sunk in. I think some resources explain things in a better way.
Good luck
Thanks for your help guys, had to resit unfortunately but passed on Wednesday!