AF5 easter

in Our news
I’m going to resit (a miss by 5 marks) in April I plan to get EP materials and join their study group. If anyone also sitting the same one wants to join a group/collaborate revision/compare materials if you go down a different route that would be cool DM me.
I'll be taking AF5 in April...
@esthomizzy I have purchased Brand.
i will doing AF5 as well. Happy to join the group too.
Fabby DM me your email addresses and I’ll link you all my folder of existing bits and bobs.
just messaged you.
@esthomizzy i have DM'd you my email address, i would like to join your group!
Hi all,
I'd like to compare materials for this one if at all possible. I intend to buy Wizard Learning's solution when it comes out.
Hi all,
I plan to take AF5 in April as well (I failed by 3 marks in October!). Please can you join the group? I'm happy to help share costs for guides or purchase something not already bought.
If I missed anyone out with my DM replies apologies and let me know. Good luck with your prep
Hi all... hope your all keeping well.
have any of you been offered the July sitting? if so are you going to sit this in July?
I have been re resigned up for July by the look of it so I’m going to go for it. You?
Hello preparation for exams takes off, we thought we'd remind you of this post on sharing paid for materials.
Point taken thanks for reminder
Update from the PFS if you haven't seen it.
> How did you all get on
I failed by 2 marks
I’m trying for a remark as I had some technical problems with the remote invigilation too
How about you success I hope?