Even if we can just find a small positive from every day, it is possible. Even the sun shining again today makes me feel better. I got hit with a £600 car bill today, i'm gutted but I'm trying not to let it ruin my day. The bonus of being without my car for a couple of days means I get more steps in.
@Clairebear512 I order online from a little independent roaster based in Perth, where I used to live, so it used to be a local business, but it's still local to someone. It's called The Bean Shop https://www.thebeanshop.co.uk/. I usually order a few bags of whichever Columbian they have plus a monthly special or blend. They'll grind it as you need it or sell you whole beans. Are you a coffee drinker? Or do you have a different WFH comfort?
Sorry about the car bill the weather was glorious this morning. So nice to hear the birds singing again.
I work well with some lively music, but if I'm proofing or doing some other very detailed work I need silence. Spotify's Daily Mixes are great background music IMO as you don't get as drawn into a singalong if it's a bit random (although a singalong can be just the ticket if you're working through a long bit of Analytics!).
Also like Jeremy Vine's Radio 2 show as I feel a bit more connected to the outside world hearing a bit of news and current affairs. Of course, there are days when that doesn't lighten your mood at all!
@AlysonBrooker I love coffee, it’s one of my favourite things in life! Where are you based now? I’m not too far away from
Perth. I will have to take a trip to The Bean Shop.
Yeah, I need total silence when I concentrate so on the days I have my son I will have to try my best to be super focused.
Since working from home, I'm finding it very hard to be motivated throughout the day but seem to get more work done in the evening. Not sure if this is because I'm used to revising at home in the evening. Throughout the day I find my concentration lapsing and I end up pottering about the house for short periods before going back and doing some more. Where in the evening I can sit for a solid amount of time and get things done without the lapses in concentration. Very strange.
@Rcaisley If the evening works for you and you are able to do those hours I would go for it. You have to do what’s best for you. I’m starting a new challenge next week of working from home for the first time ever. I’m just going to stick to my normal routine, set my alarm for my usual time and work like I would do if i was in the office. I need routine in my life, I don’t cope well without it or structure. Faced with a double challenge as on my first day of working from home I will have my son too. Wish me luck! X
Finding your own routine is key to this. I used to work early in the morning, ease off in the afternoon as that’s my least productive time, and then do some in the evening.
I also think it’s important for team leaders to realise that WFH takes some time to get used to and, on top of dealing with all the things happening at the moment, people won’t be as productive as normal.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
@Clairebear512 said: @Rcaisley If the evening works for you and you are able to do those hours I would go for it. You have to do what’s best for you. I’m starting a new challenge next week of working from home for the first time ever. I’m just going to stick to my normal routine, set my alarm for my usual time and work like I would do if i was in the office. I need routine in my life, I don’t cope well without it or structure. Faced with a double challenge as on my first day of working from home I will have my son too. Wish me luck! X
I'm still waking up at my usual alarm time, showering, getting changed etc. Setting up at my desk but just struggling to WFH productively throughout the day. Hopefully, I'll start getting used to this soon and can start getting back to my usual levels of efficiency! I don't yet have children so I can't use that as my excuse haha. Good luck with it all.
That's something I might have to try Richard. Ramp up in the morning, chill in the afternoon a bit and then ramp up again for the evening.
@Rcaisley I have always been more productive wfh in the evenings. I tried to force it out of me, but now I've accepted it! I typically work anywhere from 2 to 5 hours after 7pm,depending on what I've got on.
During the day I will typically do less intensive work, cpd, scheduling, phone calls... And housework and school runs!
For music, I listen to 6 music from when I get up until 1pm,then usually Spotify daily mix, then 6 music again from 7pm.
And I try not to have junk food in the house. No crisps or chocolate! Just coffee!
The hardest thing to get used to, imo, is work always being there. The separation of work and life takes time, especially when you're naturally less productive in usual working hours. But it will happen, everyone has a groove they can get into.
Having worked from home for a number of years I've learnt to listen to my body. I'm an early riser anywhere between 5 & 6, but come 3 p.m. I'm good for nothing. I then either watch a bit of telly, have a read or lie down, then come 5 p.m. I'm raring to go again.
See what works best for you and then adopt it as part of your routine.
Hi everyone, Just checking in. How are you all? This is my first day working from home. The positives from today was an online Team Meeting, missing everyone already and its only day 1! I went for a walk with my son for my lunch break, can't remember the last time we went on a walk together! Was good to actually spend time with him, no phones or PS4 in the way! What has been good about your day? Claire
Morning all. We’re all on lockdown now so thinking of ways to keep spirits up. My partner Claire has done a COVID19 playlist on Spotify. Link below. Can you think if any songs that should be on there too?
Hope we're all well?! Now seems as good a time as ever to start posting rather than lurking.
Currently using the pomodoro technique to keep myself focused, which seems to be doing the job. I always find I get more done at home than I do in the office, and this has been no different so far. I'd do anything to get back to the office with everyone now though!
@richallum Bullets by Editors would be on my list! I'll also throw in a bit of Frightened Rabbit, The Loneliness and the Scream.
For me, music for work mustn't have lyrics. There's a Spotify playlist I like called Pure Mellow Jazz. I found classical playlists made me feel sad. My parents were scandalised by that 'sweeping statement' and did offer some suggestions for classical composers that are relaxed without being melancholy but all I can remember is Grieg - you'll know Morning which fits the bill perfectly. Any further suggestions welcome!
My weekend was still busy - I spoke to a couple of my clients who told me they are really pleased with my support, which is great to hear. I'm luckier than most in that I haven't seen a slowdown yet, but I'm waiting for it to happen.
Music-wise, I have a list of favourites which I add to occasionally - a couple from the list that spring to mind are 'Alive and Kicking', and 'Money on my Mind', which I guess is kind of topical!
Hi great thread. I find having the radio on in the back ground really helps. I also take a walk at lunchtime and at the end of the day, pack away my desk so that a bit or normality returns. Must admit last week was tough, but this week seems a bit better as I know what to expect.
Two weeks ago, I thought that travelling to work in a noisy office was a tragic waste of human endeavour. I thought working from home all the time would be just like sometimes working from home but even better.
The last couple of weeks have proven me wrong. There is real value in sitting down with people. I've noticed my patience wearing thin and I think it's because face to face someone's likeability can really offset how annoying they can be. I undervalued being able to resolve things by popping to the kitchen to make a cup of tea together because I didn't know how hard it would be without that..
Of course markets, AUM, still tax year business, some people are struggling with crappy tech, change is harder for some... Testing times for everyone and not when any of us would have planned to carry out this experiment I'm sure. Nor would we have done it so suddenly.
In an ideal world, I would aim for 10%-40% of interaction with my colleagues to be face to face. That top end is much higher than I would have said a couple of weeks ago. So when we go back to normal, I'll still be pushing for more homeworking but with less frustration / more appreciation of the days I get zero focus time / have to interact a lot.
Wow can't believe we're nearly at another weekend!
Glad to hear the transition seems a bit easier for some this week. I've got my fingers crossed for some 'garden weather' this weekend as I have to admit that being in the house all the time is starting to get to me.
@Clare_Weight , you've hit the nail on the head there. While working from home effectively can mean higher productivity as a result of leaving all those at desk and tea making chats, it's hard to have no one to talk to at all, be that for work-related chat or about what you watched on TV last night to give your mind a break.
Being plunged into the new situation with little notice isn't ideal, especially with heavy workloads. It sounds like you're noticing people being 'tone-deaf' in remote communications, which is a very easy thing to creep in if you're not used to it. Do you have the option to have video calls instead? Even just picking up the phone and thrashing something out might help keep things more cordial than playing email tennis.
It's great you've seen some benefits too, though, whether that's for climate change, focus time or time reasons.
Does anyone else think this spell will change the way you work when it's all over?
Thanks for your encouragement @AlysonBrooker as I was rather honest! I have had a few rounds of unproductive email tennis (about using web based applications which transfer data out of the EEA - fascinating stuff because I didn't think it would be worth figuring out how to set up a conference call. With hindsight, it would have been!
@Redawg31 We are here for you, to get you through this tough time.
@AlysonBrooker What coffee do you drink?
Even if we can just find a small positive from every day, it is possible. Even the sun shining again today makes me feel better. I got hit with a £600 car bill today, i'm gutted but I'm trying not to let it ruin my day. The bonus of being without my car for a couple of days means I get more steps in.
@Clairebear512 I order online from a little independent roaster based in Perth, where I used to live, so it used to be a local business, but it's still local to someone. It's called The Bean Shop https://www.thebeanshop.co.uk/. I usually order a few bags of whichever Columbian they have plus a monthly special or blend. They'll grind it as you need it or sell you whole beans. Are you a coffee drinker? Or do you have a different WFH comfort?
Sorry about the car bill
the weather was glorious this morning. So nice to hear the birds singing again.
I work well with some lively music, but if I'm proofing or doing some other very detailed work I need silence. Spotify's Daily Mixes are great background music IMO as you don't get as drawn into a singalong if it's a bit random (although a singalong can be just the ticket if you're working through a long bit of Analytics!).
Also like Jeremy Vine's Radio 2 show as I feel a bit more connected to the outside world hearing a bit of news and current affairs. Of course, there are days when that doesn't lighten your mood at all!
Reading these posts, all very kind, perhaps i should stop listening to Radiohead when i work form home!!!
Perth. I will have to take a trip to The Bean Shop.
Yeah, I need total silence when I concentrate so on the days I have my son I will have to try my best to be super focused.
Since working from home, I'm finding it very hard to be motivated throughout the day but seem to get more work done in the evening. Not sure if this is because I'm used to revising at home in the evening. Throughout the day I find my concentration lapsing and I end up pottering about the house for short periods before going back and doing some more. Where in the evening I can sit for a solid amount of time and get things done without the lapses in concentration. Very strange.
Finding your own routine is key to this. I used to work early in the morning, ease off in the afternoon as that’s my least productive time, and then do some in the evening.
I also think it’s important for team leaders to realise that WFH takes some time to get used to and, on top of dealing with all the things happening at the moment, people won’t be as productive as normal.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
I'm still waking up at my usual alarm time, showering, getting changed etc. Setting up at my desk but just struggling to WFH productively throughout the day. Hopefully, I'll start getting used to this soon and can start getting back to my usual levels of efficiency! I don't yet have children so I can't use that as my excuse haha. Good luck with it all.
That's something I might have to try Richard. Ramp up in the morning, chill in the afternoon a bit and then ramp up again for the evening.
@Rcaisley I have always been more productive wfh in the evenings. I tried to force it out of me, but now I've accepted it! I typically work anywhere from 2 to 5 hours after 7pm,depending on what I've got on.
During the day I will typically do less intensive work, cpd, scheduling, phone calls... And housework and school runs!
For music, I listen to 6 music from when I get up until 1pm,then usually Spotify daily mix, then 6 music again from 7pm.
And I try not to have junk food in the house. No crisps or chocolate! Just coffee!
The hardest thing to get used to, imo, is work always being there. The separation of work and life takes time, especially when you're naturally less productive in usual working hours. But it will happen, everyone has a groove they can get into.
Having worked from home for a number of years I've learnt to listen to my body. I'm an early riser anywhere between 5 & 6, but come 3 p.m. I'm good for nothing. I then either watch a bit of telly, have a read or lie down, then come 5 p.m. I'm raring to go again.
See what works best for you and then adopt it as part of your routine.
Hi everyone, Just checking in. How are you all? This is my first day working from home. The positives from today was an online Team Meeting, missing everyone already and its only day 1! I went for a walk with my son for my lunch break, can't remember the last time we went on a walk together! Was good to actually spend time with him, no phones or PS4 in the way! What has been good about your day? Claire
Hi Claire. Good things so far... kind of sticking to a routine but not too rigidly. Lunch in the garden! One load of washing done. :-)
@Big Chief Lunch in the garden sounds perfect!
Enjoy your evening, Claire
What are you doing to keep spirits up?
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi all,
Hope we're all well?! Now seems as good a time as ever to start posting rather than lurking.
Currently using the pomodoro technique to keep myself focused, which seems to be doing the job. I always find I get more done at home than I do in the office, and this has been no different so far. I'd do anything to get back to the office with everyone now though!
@richallum Bullets by Editors would be on my list! I'll also throw in a bit of Frightened Rabbit, The Loneliness and the Scream.
Hi @GarethM & good to see your first post. Top tunes there. I'm a big fan of Pomodoro too, really helps to focus.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Lose my breath? Breathless? Poison? Toxicity?
...too dark??
@Clairebear512 I'm near Kelso now - how far out of Perth are you?
Frightened Rabbit is a great call! Sorry to give you an ear worm but AKON Lonely comes to mind...
We need some Prince and Bowie on the playlist!
Listened to Quindon Tarver's Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen) that's got a shout to get on there....?
Natalie Prass - Short Court Style is a bit of a lift (
Skee-Lo - I Wish for a bit of fun,,,? (
@AlysonBrooker I spend my time between Dundee & Invergowrie but grew up near Longforgan.
Just thought I would check in and see how you all are today. X
For me, music for work mustn't have lyrics. There's a Spotify playlist I like called Pure Mellow Jazz. I found classical playlists made me feel sad. My parents were scandalised by that 'sweeping statement' and did offer some suggestions for classical composers that are relaxed without being melancholy but all I can remember is Grieg - you'll know Morning which fits the bill perfectly. Any further suggestions welcome!
@Clare_Weight this is good https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0vvXsWCC9xrXsKd4FyS8kM?si=dkivZ966S5WtsRBA36zlvQ
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
@richallum cool I'll add it to the list.
Hey all. Just picking up from yesterday...
My weekend was still busy - I spoke to a couple of my clients who told me they are really pleased with my support, which is great to hear. I'm luckier than most in that I haven't seen a slowdown yet, but I'm waiting for it to happen.
Music-wise, I have a list of favourites which I add to occasionally - a couple from the list that spring to mind are 'Alive and Kicking', and 'Money on my Mind', which I guess is kind of topical!
Hi great thread. I find having the radio on in the back ground really helps. I also take a walk at lunchtime and at the end of the day, pack away my desk so that a bit or normality returns. Must admit last week was tough, but this week seems a bit better as I know what to expect.
Two weeks ago, I thought that travelling to work in a noisy office was a tragic waste of human endeavour. I thought working from home all the time would be just like sometimes working from home but even better.
The last couple of weeks have proven me wrong. There is real value in sitting down with people. I've noticed my patience wearing thin and I think it's because face to face someone's likeability can really offset how annoying they can be. I undervalued being able to resolve things by popping to the kitchen to make a cup of tea together because I didn't know how hard it would be without that..
Of course markets, AUM, still tax year business, some people are struggling with crappy tech, change is harder for some... Testing times for everyone and not when any of us would have planned to carry out this experiment I'm sure. Nor would we have done it so suddenly.
In an ideal world, I would aim for 10%-40% of interaction with my colleagues to be face to face. That top end is much higher than I would have said a couple of weeks ago. So when we go back to normal, I'll still be pushing for more homeworking but with less frustration / more appreciation of the days I get zero focus time / have to interact a lot.
Wow can't believe we're nearly at another weekend!
Glad to hear the transition seems a bit easier for some this week. I've got my fingers crossed for some 'garden weather' this weekend as I have to admit that being in the house all the time is starting to get to me.
@Clare_Weight , you've hit the nail on the head there. While working from home effectively can mean higher productivity as a result of leaving all those at desk and tea making chats, it's hard to have no one to talk to at all, be that for work-related chat or about what you watched on TV last night to give your mind a break.
Being plunged into the new situation with little notice isn't ideal, especially with heavy workloads. It sounds like you're noticing people being 'tone-deaf' in remote communications, which is a very easy thing to creep in if you're not used to it. Do you have the option to have video calls instead? Even just picking up the phone and thrashing something out might help keep things more cordial than playing email tennis.
It's great you've seen some benefits too, though, whether that's for climate change, focus time or time reasons.
Does anyone else think this spell will change the way you work when it's all over?
If you haven't done so already, can you please complete our survey about how Powwow can help right now. Thanks.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.