Running a small business during COVID-19

I started my business just after 9/11 and went through 2008 but even those hard times feel nothing like what we're going through now. Many of you have started your own business in recent months and years and this is probably the first real test you're facing. Issues such as business continuity, cash flow, payment terms, insurance etc are all very important and very real now.
There's quite a big community of outsourced and freelance paraplanners now and I'm sure we can all help each other. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to set up a private group to share tips, help, worries, questions etc. This would be an online group and we could also do a regular group video call to check in with each other.
Let me know if anyone is interested.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
I certainly am @richallum.
I think a lot of us will be ok for March but after that things get a bit sketchy as investors are holding back as well now, even though one of my clients conducts their meetings over video chat.
Just in case....
The dedicated HMRC helpline for businesses and individuals who are having difficulty paying their taxes due to the current Coronavirus outbreak is now up and running. Further information on this can be found at and the number to call is 0800 0159 559.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
That's such a good idea, @richallum thank you. I'm an own business newbie and I'm sure I'm not the only one having a bit of a wobble right now!
That's a great idea @richallum
I started my business 2 years ago and this is the first major would be great to have support from other people in the same situation!
OK, I'll see who else wants to join after the Howwow tomorrow and then I'll set it up.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Great idea, count me in too!
Also, just in case people don't know, you are able to claim 'old style' Jobseekers Allowance even if you are self-employed (but earnings have dried up).
This benefit isn't means-tested (it's based solely on your NI record). It's a bit of a process to set up (you have to prove you're 'gainfully self-employed') but it's worth knowing about.
That sounds like a great idea, I'd certainly be interested having only recently started an outsourced business.
Hi y'all. Richard, please pop me on the list too and thank you
I'm setting up a Basecamp project this morning and will invite you all to it so watch out for the email and check your spam folder if you haven't seen it by lunch. If you're not in our Basecamp account already I'll use the email address you registered with on the Big Tent.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Great idea Richard, please count me in
Invites have gone out to everyone above. New people can join too, just leave a comment below.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hey @richallum Can I come too?
We've got our first video get together on this tomorrow at 12pm. If you haven't commented here yet but would like to join, just add a comment below.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
@Ashleywiltshire I’ll add you to the Basecamp group using this email. Join if you can.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
@Ashleywiltshire you’re already set up in our Basecamp with your work email so invite sent there.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hey @richallum
would be interested in joining.
thanks Jenny
Invite please @richallum
@richallum - I would love to join if still possible.
@Navigator Basecamp invite on the way.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
If you're new to this thread and interested in joining the outsourced group, you still can. Let us know here and we'll add you in.
I would love to join please.
Hi @Suzanna invite coming via email now.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
It would be good to join, thank you.
Hi @bonnerk I"m sending you an invite by email now. It'll come from a system called Basecamp.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hello - have I left it too late to join ?
Maddy x
Hi Maddy, not at all. I'll send an invite to join now. It'll be an email from Basecamp.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Is there something happening on Sunday?