Supporting One Another

in General
Dear Anyone, who is Self Isolating, having to work from home, feeling worried, who may be lonely and in need of some support and someone to talk to, Let's start up a group or some way of lifting our spirits at this time. Let me know what you all think? Claire
Hi @Clairebear512 What a great idea :-) We're extending tomorrow's online Howwow by thirty minutes to discuss things like working from home etc.
Shout if you think we can do more to help.
@Big Chief These are the thoughts that cross my mind when I can't sleep
I just thought it would be an idea if we could be there for each other as much as we can and possibly have a positive word of the day etc and just find some positives from this current situation that we are all in. Claire
Sounds like this could be the very spot for sharing those kinds of ideas - just the sort of the support the Big Tent was made for.
What a great idea, Claire! Even if all you need is some help adjusting to working at home, or a place to feel a bit less alone, us seasoned WFHers can be here to help
@AlysonBrooker Exactly, some people have never worked from home before so this will be ideal for them. I can imagine that it must get lonely working from home at times so we need to reach out especially at this time.
If you are working from home (WFH) for the first time, here are two articles that might help:
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Positive_note - nipping out to my local post office to get stamps, envelopes etc - I noticed my local asian grocer has started doing dim sum and steamed buns at lunch time!
@Jona great food & supporting a local small business.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
You’re now in charge of our Team’s regular catch up meetings Claire 😀
Fantastic idea.
Nearly video called Anouska this morning still in my jammies! That’s a good tip - get dressed 😏😱
@Suse1969 you can keep PJ bottoms on though as no-one can see those.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hey, Just checking in, how are you all today? I thought we could write something positive that's happened to ourselves so far this week. I enjoyed a 3 mile walk to work this morning, it made my day all before 8am
I've made my baguette (the last fresh bread in Waitrose on Monday) last far longer than normal and so have a nice lunch to look forward to today!
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
My local sainsbury's was rather sparse this morning - so I am having to have a pot noodle for lunch.
I am counting that as a positive - not had one for decades; used to love them!!!
Dim sum and steamed buns sound amazing. I always preferred Supernoodles though.
Well done on the walk, Claire! I had a chicken fajita (leftover from last night) for lunch while watching a brilliant Howwow on PROD and working from home.
@AlysonBrooker Thank you
I love Fajitas, one of my favourites!
There's a really good thing on LInkedIN called #togetherathome It was started by Chris Martin (yes, that one). He did a real time request video. Like him or not, it was good.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Hi all - currently working from home, which is going well (until they kick my kids out of school!!) but am struggling to keep motivated in light of everything else that is going on at the moment, so I think this group is a great idea!
Hi @mrswhit13 Motivation is a big challenge, especially when there are so many distractions at home. I have found that setting myself small targets throughout the day with a reward helps. I know it makes me sound like a puppy but I'll do anything for a chocolate biscuit. The trick is not to just give yourself the reward without achieving anything :-) Getting away from your laptop regularly is very helpful too, even if it's for 5 mins outside.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
@richallum Yes - luckily my dogs are loving the extra daytime walks and I am trying to limit the treats! I think I may need a lock on the door to stop unwelcome distractions going forwards!
I actually had a networking lunch today with a small group of people, in our own private room, which was great. Walking there and back got me 10,000 steps logged on the FitBit so that should have walked the lunch off!
@Andy_Schleider Fantastic! Great to get your steps in, there's so many benefits of walking.
been offered to work from home by my firm. not sure i want to do it as will be very lonely.
Hi @Redawg31 I can totally understand that. It's a big change.
We did a Howwow yesterday that gave some homeworking tips. You can see it here - skip to the 60 min mark if you don't want to do the PROD stuff (although it's very good).
I wrote an article with some tips too - here.
I'm happy to set up a regular Zoom video chat that people can drop into - a virtual Howwow where anything goes. It can be to share tips, ask questions, share funny stuff or just be somewhere to interact with other people in a similar position. If people would like that, just comment below and we'll make it happen.
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Just since tuesday, it had been in the pipeline that I would do a few days anyway, but probably not this soon! Have hastily created an office space and am trying to adapt. My children will be home along with everyone elses next week which may add to the challenge! At the moment, I have plenty of work to keep me going so fingers crossed that doesn't change. Nervous about the next few months to be honest x
I find that if you have plenty of work to do, there are no motivation issues as you have no choice but to get your head down, so hopefully being busy will help you adapt. It helps to formalise it in your mind as well, i.e. "these are the hours I work, this is when I take breaks and at the end of the day, I'll switch everything off and walk away from the machines".
I'm afraid I can't help with the childcare challenge though as I only have a dog (who's great company). It might help to shut the door, but I like to leave mine open to avoid feeling too hemmed in (plus it means said dog can wander in and out behind me).
It's so important to get out of the house if you can for some fresh air too - it doesn't have to be at lunchtime though. Walking the dog straight after finishing helps me to decompress, but doing a a bit of indoor yoga or something could work too if you can't get out. It would still help you stretch out a bit and get the blood pumping. YouTube has loads of 'workout with me' style content.
In terms of feeling nervous about the transition, try to think of the positives, such as saving time not commuting. My small comforts are having good coffee available, more lunch options with access to the kitchen and being able to work in jeans and slippers.
Definitely check out the Howwow though!
Not recommended

@Jona that actually made me LOL
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.
Just popped into the Big Tent and found this thread, such a good idea. I usually work from home one day a week so being here all the time is bit weird, not sure what it's going to be like when my wife and daughters are home next week (might need my headphones).
@Jona that is hilarious
I was feeling a bit down this morning but I went for a run at lunchtime and feel so much better now, getting out for some fresh air makes such a big difference.
I can't work remotely without music. I usually listen to EDM via headphones as my brain just responds well to that. Don't listen to it when not working though! Currently have Green Light by Lordes on repeat as it's from a happy place and just what I need today. What's your 'music to work to' choice?
Paraplanner. F1, Apple, Nutella, ice cream. No trite motivational quotes. Turning a bit northern.