Grammar bug bear - opinions please!

in General
ISAs or ISA's
GIAs or GIA's
And so on..........
To me the apostrophe is neither possessive or in place of an abbreviation (ie don't), it's plural, so shouldn't be there.
Ruth Baker
It depends.
We could be looking at your ISA's fund charges.
You might have several ISAs.
So we could look at your ISAs' fund charges.
The apostrophe needs to be used correctly.
Maybe the ISA's not performing as well as last year...
bug bear or bugbear??
Well, quite.....
Ruth Baker
Remembering the rules is easy. All you have to do is remember that if there’s ownership or possession, then the word should take apostrophe -s. If there are many (the word is plural), then just an “s” will do. If a word is both plural and possessed, it gets an s followed by an apostrophe. And for the word “it,” the rules are reversed.
Taken from